คำที่ 1401-1500

 3,000 คำศัพท์ที่ใช้บ่อยสุด



วางเมาส์บนคำศัพท์เพื่อดูคำแปลไทย   คลิกที่นี่


3000 Most Commonly Used Words in the USA in Frequency Order

Words 1401 to 1500
  1. root
  2. consider
  3. wagon
  4. baseball
  5. rubber
  6. surprised
  7. hunting
  8. symbol
  9. seeing
  10. Chinese
  11. Pacific
  12. support
  13. leg
  14. windows
  15. Texas
  16. industry
  17. mile
  18. forests
  19. beneath
  20. likely
  1. win
  2. fence
  3. maps
  4. believed
  5. islands
  6. noticed
  7. runs
  8. centuries
  9. popular
  10. stayed
  11. chart
  12. Ann
  13. master
  14. lake
  15. falls
  16. d
  17. sheet
  18. explained
  19. notes
  20. mass
  1. art
  2. bottle
  3. desk
  4. colored
  5. nest
  6. storm
  7. everywhere
  8. clearly
  9. development
  10. closely
  11. fourth
  12. push
  13. Earth
  14. rolled
  15. flight
  16. smoke
  17. upper
  18. remembered
  19. track
  20. mixed
  1. forget
  2. bigger
  3. nearby
  4. plenty
  5. based
  6. leaving
  7. save
  8. belong
  9. laws
  10. structure
  11. height
  12. suggested
  13. German
  14. observe
  15. located
  16. clock
  17. giant
  18. Captain
  19. smell
  20. planes
  1. railroad
  2. knife
  3. grows
  4. I
  5. results
  6. spelling
  7. friendly
  8. flow
  9. plans
  10. whatever
  11. barn
  12. beauty
  13. bell
  14. wonderful
  15. rapidly
  16. Little
  17. tone
  18. agreed
  19. wore
  20. ending