คำที่ 1801-1900

 3,000 คำศัพท์ที่ใช้บ่อยสุด



วางเมาส์บนคำศัพท์เพื่อดูคำแปลไทย  คลิกที่นี่


3000 Most Commonly Used Words in the USA in Frequency Order

Words 1801 to 1900
  1. activities
  2. Lincoln
  3. subjects
  4. Paris
  5. outer
  6. volume
  7. sick
  8. whale
  9. earth's
  10. successful
  11. invented
  12. falling
  13. wished
  14. entered
  15. 13
  16. excitement
  17. quarter
  18. log
  19. songs
  20. cake
  1. unusual
  2. personal
  3. gate
  4. jar
  5. cream
  6. wearing
  7. London
  8. bone
  9. phrases
  10. wise
  11. birthday
  12. papers
  13. candy
  14. o'clock
  15. flag
  16. strike
  17. gently
  18. traffic
  19. sum
  20. Sally
  1. minerals
  2. streams
  3. article
  4. hide
  5. recognize
  6. recent
  7. frequently
  8. central
  9. shell
  10. 16
  11. court
  12. driving
  13. gradually
  14. remained
  15. India
  16. automobile
  17. safety
  18. eastern
  19. Boston
  20. p
  1. hurried
  2. meanings
  3. arranged
  4. tie
  5. darkness
  6. branch
  7. Ocean
  8. S
  9. fifteen
  10. hadn't
  11. proved
  12. pond
  13. holds
  14. terrible
  15. jobs
  16. frightened
  17. forced
  18. Spain
  19. shells
  20. function
  1. impossible
  2. slightly
  3. somewhat
  4. U
  5. steady
  6. Papa
  7. 200
  8. rows
  9. listened
  10. sang
  11. Robert
  12. Western
  13. wondered
  14. Canada
  15. passing
  16. frame
  17. element
  18. diagram
  19. washed
  20. aren't