คำที่ 2501-2600

 3,000 คำศัพท์ที่ใช้บ่อยสุด



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3000 Most Commonly Used Words in the USA in Frequency Order

Words 2501 to 2600
  1. specific
  2. toes
  3. mood
  4. negative
  5. principles
  6. income
  7. primitive
  8. airplanes
  9. false
  10. accepted
  11. sports
  12. September
  13. blind
  14. accept
  15. today's
  16. orders
  17. universe
  18. tribe
  19. headed
  20. passage
  1. obtained
  2. surrounded
  3. classes
  4. somebody
  5. compass
  6. measuring
  7. substances
  8. values
  9. seldom
  10. thou
  11. remaining
  12. 21
  13. lucky
  14. anybody
  15. April
  16. naturally
  17. automobiles
  18. owner
  19. grade
  20. rings
  1. purple
  2. seed
  3. swam
  4. guns
  5. rounded
  6. rabbits
  7. syllables
  8. magnet
  9. prize
  10. raced
  11. T
  12. colony
  13. announced
  14. dug
  15. numeral
  16. compared
  17. curve
  18. distances
  19. Johnson
  20. perfectly
  1. Man
  2. pilot
  3. Tim
  4. struggle
  5. herd
  6. Eddie
  7. previous
  8. Florida
  9. pot
  10. definition
  11. tape
  12. porch
  13. vote
  14. mad
  15. waved
  16. powder
  17. trace
  18. Alice
  19. gift
  20. tightly
  1. sizes
  2. tests
  3. bees
  4. happening
  5. badly
  6. fewer
  7. industries
  8. nights
  9. introduced
  10. nails
  11. insect
  12. halfway
  13. syllable
  14. principle
  15. activity
  16. Central
  17. temperatures
  18. creature
  19. Mars
  20. dish