คำที่ 2701-2800

 3,000 คำศัพท์ที่ใช้บ่อยสุด



วางเมาส์บนคำศัพท์เพื่อดูคำแปลไทย  คลิกที่นี่


3000 Most Commonly Used Words in the USA in Frequency Order

Words 2701 to 2800
  1. birth
  2. circles
  3. ducks
  4. buried
  5. hello
  6. declared
  7. weren't
  8. strips
  9. rear
  10. performed
  11. crack
  12. protection
  13. brings
  14. Maria
  15. private
  16. goose
  17. elephants
  18. Russian
  19. squares
  20. interior
  1. chamber
  2. jungle
  3. replaced
  4. belonged
  5. dirty
  6. noted
  7. applied
  8. scales
  9. 35
  10. nervous
  11. dull
  12. brass
  13. opportunity
  14. hospital
  15. occurs
  16. sources
  17. guests
  18. invited
  19. seats
  20. plastic
  1. tons
  2. contained
  3. definite
  4. prime
  5. location
  6. eleven
  7. curved
  8. October
  9. aboard
  10. troops
  11. captured
  12. spots
  13. sink
  14. voyage
  15. shelf
  16. ore
  17. washing
  18. firm
  19. accurate
  20. equally
  1. Pole
  2. crossing
  3. Daniel
  4. mixture
  5. Jeff
  6. checked
  7. shelter
  8. pasture
  9. constant
  10. soldier
  11. shine
  12. victory
  13. whistle
  14. slave
  15. breaking
  16. dawn
  17. farming
  18. services
  19. equator
  20. thy
  1. camera
  2. opinion
  3. characters
  4. fully
  5. lighted
  6. experiences
  7. counted
  8. pour
  9. labor
  10. brief
  11. properly
  12. pointing
  13. horns
  14. appropriate
  15. corners
  16. 90
  17. arrive
  18. gravity
  19. fierce
  20. bet