คำศัพท์เตรียมสอบ IELTS 3,600 คำ

IELTS  General Word List

ที่มา: http://examword.com/ielts/practice.aspx?co=il&id=ielts4000general121221231720612&la=#.VWGnV0-qpBc


  1. able
  2. about
  3. above
  4. above-mentioned
  5. abreast
  6. abroad
  7. abrogation
  8. abruptly
  9. absent-minded
  10. abstraction
  11. accent
  12. accept
  13. acceptable
  14. acceptance
  15. accordance
  16. according
  17. accordingly
  18. accrued
  19. accumulative
  20. accurately
  21. accustom
  22. ache
  23. aching
  24. acknowledgment
  25. acre
  26. acrobat
  27. acrobatics
  28. act
  29. action
  30. active
  31. activity
  32. actor
  33. actress
  34. actuality
  35. ad
  36. add
  37. addition
  38. adequately
  39. adjective
  40. adjustable
  41. admirable
  42. advantage
  43. advantageous
  44. adverb
  45. adverbial
  46. advertisement
  47. advertising
  48. advice
  49. advise
  50. adviser
  51. aeroplane
  52. affair
  53. afloat
  54. aforesaid
  55. afraid
  56. africa
  57. african
  58. after
  59. afternoon
  60. afterward
  61. again
  62. against
  63. age
  64. aggravation
  65. aggression
  66. ago
  67. agonize
  68. agree
  69. agreeably
  70. agreed
  71. agricultural
  72. ahead
  73. aids
  74. aimless
  75. airline
  76. airliner
  77. airmail
  78. airplane
  79. airport
  80. airway
  81. alarming
  82. alas
  83. alcohol
  84. alcoholic
  85. alcoholism
  86. ale
  87. algebra
  88. alienation
  89. alive
  90. all
  91. allied
  92. allocation
  93. allotment
  94. allow
  95. almost
  96. aloud
  97. alphabet
  98. also
  99. although
  100. altogether
  101. always
  102. ambient
  103. america
  104. american
  105. among
  106. ampere
  107. amplifier
  108. amusement
  109. analogue
  110. ancient
  111. and
  112. angel
  113. anger
  114. angle
  115. angry
  116. animal
  117. annoyance
  118. another
  119. answer
  120. ant
  121. antecedent
  122. antonymous
  123. anxiously
  124. any
  125. anybody
  126. anyone
  127. anything
  128. anyway
  129. anywhere
  130. apartment
  131. apparently
  132. appear
  133. appearance
  134. applause
  135. apple
  136. appreciably
  137. apprize
  138. approximation
  139. april
  140. arab
  141. arabian
  142. arabic
  143. arbitrate
  144. arbitration
  145. archaeologist
  146. arctic
  147. argument
  148. aristocratic
  149. arm
  150. armchair
  151. army
  152. around
  153. arrear
  154. arrival
  155. arrive
  156. arrogantly
  157. arrow
  158. art
  159. artist
  160. artistic
  161. as
  162. asean
  163. ash
  164. ashore
  165. ashtray
  166. asia
  167. asian
  168. ask
  169. asleep
  170. ass
  171. assassinate
  172. assassinator
  173. assertion
  174. associated
  175. associative
  176. astonishment
  177. astronaut
  178. at
  179. athletic
  180. atlantic
  181. atmospheric
  182. attentively
  183. attributable
  184. attribution
  185. attributive
  186. aunt
  187. aural
  188. auspice
  189. australia
  190. australian
  191. autumn
  192. availability
  193. averagely
  194. await
  195. awake
  196. awaken
  197. award
  198. away
  199. awesome
  200. awfully
  201. awkwardness
  202. ax
  203. axial


  1. baby
  2. baby-sit
  3. back
  4. back-call
  5. backdate
  6. background
  7. backing
  8. backlog
  9. backwardness
  10. bad
  11. badly
  12. bag
  13. baggy
  14. baker
  15. bakery
  16. ball
  17. ballooning
  18. ball-pointpen
  19. bamboo-shoot
  20. banana
  21. bandit
  22. bank
  23. banking
  24. baroness
  25. base
  26. basic
  27. basically
  28. basis
  29. basket
  30. basketball
  31. bat
  32. bath
  33. bathroom
  34. battle
  35. be
  36. beach
  37. bearish
  38. beast
  39. beautiful
  40. beauty
  41. because
  42. bed
  43. bedroom
  44. bee
  45. beef
  46. beer
  47. beetle
  48. before
  49. beg
  50. beggar
  51. begin
  52. beginner
  53. beginning
  54. behind
  55. behindhand
  56. being
  57. belief
  58. believe
  59. bell
  60. belong
  61. belt
  62. bench
  63. benevolence
  64. berry
  65. beside
  66. best
  67. best-seller
  68. best-selling
  69. betrayal
  70. better
  71. better-off
  72. between
  73. beware
  74. beyond
  75. bible
  76. bicycle
  77. bidding
  78. big
  79. bike
  80. binding
  81. biology
  82. bird
  83. birth
  84. birthday
  85. birthplace
  86. biscuit
  87. bishop
  88. bit
  89. bitterly
  90. black
  91. blackboard
  92. blind
  93. blockage
  94. blond
  95. blood
  96. bloody
  97. blouse
  98. blow
  99. blue
  100. blushy
  101. boat
  102. body
  103. boiler
  104. boiling
  105. boldness
  106. bomb
  107. bomber
  108. bona
  109. bonded
  110. bone
  111. bony
  112. book
  113. booking
  114. booklet
  115. bookshelf
  116. bookstore
  117. boot
  118. born
  119. borrow
  120. borrowings
  121. bosom
  122. boss
  123. bossy
  124. both
  125. bottle
  126. bottle-neck
  127. bottom
  128. bottom-line
  129. bough
  130. bowling
  131. box
  132. boxer
  133. boxing
  134. boxing-day
  135. boy
  136. bracket
  137. brag
  138. branch
  139. brandy
  140. brass
  141. brave
  142. bravely
  143. bravery
  144. brazil
  145. brazilian
  146. bread
  147. bread-earner
  148. breakage
  149. breakfast
  150. breast
  151. bribery
  152. brick
  153. bride
  154. bridegroom
  155. bridge
  156. briefing
  157. briefly
  158. bright
  159. brightness
  160. bring
  161. bristle
  162. britain
  163. british
  164. broad
  165. broadcasting
  166. broken
  167. broker
  168. broom
  169. brother
  170. brotherhood
  171. brother-in-law
  172. brow
  173. brush
  174. buddhism
  175. buddhist
  176. buffalo
  177. bugle
  178. build
  179. builder
  180. building
  181. bullet
  182. bullish
  183. bumpy
  184. burden
  185. bureau
  186. bureaucratic
  187. burglar
  188. burglary
  189. burn
  190. burner
  191. burnt
  192. burst
  193. bury
  194. bus
  195. bushel
  196. businesslike
  197. busy
  198. but
  199. butchery
  200. butt
  201. button
  202. buy
  203. buyer
  204. by


  1. c/o
  2. cabbage
  3. cage
  4. cake
  5. calculus
  6. calf
  7. call
  8. calmly
  9. camel
  10. camera
  11. camp
  12. camping
  13. can
  14. canada
  15. canadian
  16. cancer
  17. candle
  18. candy
  19. canned
  20. canoe
  21. cap
  22. capita
  23. capitalism
  24. capitalist
  25. capitalization
  26. capitalize
  27. captain
  28. car
  29. caravan
  30. carbon
  31. cardboard
  32. care
  33. carelessness
  34. carpet
  35. carriage
  36. cartridge
  37. case
  38. castle
  39. cat
  40. catalog
  41. cattle
  42. cave
  43. ceiling
  44. celebration
  45. celery
  46. censorship
  47. cent
  48. center
  49. centimeter
  50. central
  51. century
  52. certain
  53. certainly
  54. certification
  55. chain
  56. chair
  57. chairman
  58. chairperson
  59. chairwoman
  60. challenging
  61. chance
  62. change
  63. changeable
  64. characteristical
  65. charming
  66. chatter
  67. cheap
  68. cheat
  69. cheating
  70. check-out
  71. check-up
  72. cheek
  73. cheeky
  74. cheerful
  75. cheese
  76. chemical
  77. chemist
  78. chemistry
  79. cherry
  80. chess
  81. chest
  82. chestnut
  83. chick
  84. chicken
  85. chiefly
  86. child
  87. childhood
  88. childish
  89. childlike
  90. chimney
  91. china
  92. chinese
  93. chocolate
  94. choice
  95. choose
  96. christ
  97. christian
  98. christianity
  99. christmas
  100. church
  101. cif
  102. cigar
  103. cigarette
  104. cinema
  105. citizen
  106. city
  107. civilize
  108. class
  109. classmate
  110. classroom
  111. clatter
  112. claw
  113. clean
  114. clearly
  115. clerk
  116. clever
  117. cleverness
  118. cliff
  119. climb
  120. cloak
  121. clock
  122. close
  123. closed
  124. closedown
  125. closely
  126. cloth
  127. clothe
  128. clothes
  129. clothing
  130. cloud
  131. cloudy
  132. clown
  133. club
  134. coal
  135. coast
  136. coastal
  137. coat
  138. cock
  139. cocktail
  140. coefficient
  141. coffee
  142. coffin
  143. coldness
  144. collar
  145. collect
  146. collection
  147. college
  148. colonist
  149. color
  150. color-blind
  151. colorful
  152. colorless
  153. columnist
  154. comb
  155. come
  156. comedian
  157. comfort
  158. comfortable
  159. command
  160. commemoration
  161. common
  162. commonly
  163. commonwealth
  164. commune
  165. communicative
  166. communism
  167. communist
  168. comparison
  169. compels
  170. complete
  171. completely
  172. completion
  173. complicate
  174. componential
  175. composed
  176. composer
  177. computer
  178. computerization
  179. computerize
  180. comrade
  181. concentrated
  182. concentration
  183. conceptive
  184. concerned
  185. concerning
  186. concess
  187. conclusion
  188. concur
  189. concurrence
  190. conditional
  191. conduce
  192. conducive
  193. conduction
  194. congratulate
  195. conqueror
  196. conscientiously
  197. consider
  198. consignment
  199. consolidated
  200. consolidation
  201. constable
  202. constitutive
  203. construe
  204. consul
  205. consulate
  206. consultation
  207. contemporarian
  208. contestant
  209. contextual
  210. continual
  211. continuance
  212. continue
  213. continuous
  214. continuously
  215. contracted
  216. contractual
  217. control
  218. cook
  219. cooker
  220. cool
  221. coolness
  222. cope
  223. copper
  224. copy
  225. cord
  226. cordially
  227. correct
  228. correction
  229. correctly
  230. corridor
  231. cosmetics
  232. cost
  233. costly
  234. cottage
  235. cotton
  236. cough
  237. council
  238. counsellor
  239. count
  240. countable
  241. countermeasure
  242. counter-offer
  243. countersign
  244. countersignature
  245. country
  246. countryside
  247. county
  248. courage
  249. courageous
  250. course
  251. courtyard
  252. cousin
  253. covering
  254. cow
  255. cowardly
  256. cracker
  257. craftsman
  258. craftsmanship
  259. crane
  260. craziness
  261. cream
  262. creamy
  263. creative
  264. creature
  265. creditworthiness
  266. creditworthy
  267. crime
  268. critic
  269. criticism
  270. criticize
  271. cross
  272. crossroads
  273. crow
  274. crowd
  275. cruel
  276. cruelty
  277. crutch
  278. cry
  279. cuckoo
  280. cultural
  281. cup
  282. curly
  283. curtain
  284. cut
  285. cutlery
  286. cutter
  287. cutting
  288. cyclist


  1. dad
  2. daily
  3. damage
  4. damn
  5. dance
  6. dancer
  7. danger
  8. danish
  9. dare
  10. dark
  11. darken
  12. darkness
  13. darling
  14. dating
  15. daughter
  16. daughter-in-law
  17. day
  18. daybreak
  19. daylight
  20. daytime
  21. daze
  22. dead
  23. deadline
  24. deafen
  25. dealer
  26. dealing
  27. dear
  28. death
  29. deathly
  30. debit
  31. deceased
  32. deceitful
  33. december
  34. decency
  35. decide
  36. decided
  37. decidedly
  38. decision
  39. decisive
  40. declining
  41. deduction
  42. deep
  43. deepen
  44. deeply
  45. deer
  46. defiant
  47. deflection
  48. degree
  49. delcredere
  50. delegation
  51. deletion
  52. deliberation
  53. delicacy
  54. delight
  55. delightful
  56. deliverance
  57. delivery
  58. delusive
  59. demand
  60. demanding
  61. democrat
  62. democratic
  63. demurrage
  64. den
  65. denmark
  66. denominate
  67. department
  68. depend
  69. dependability
  70. dependant
  71. depiction
  72. depth
  73. derivation
  74. derrick
  75. describe
  76. designation
  77. designer
  78. desk
  79. desolation
  80. desperation
  81. destroy
  82. detail
  83. detailed
  84. deterioration
  85. detract
  86. devaluation
  87. devalue
  88. develop
  89. developing
  90. development
  91. deviation
  92. devil
  93. devoted
  94. dew
  95. dial
  96. dialog
  97. diamond
  98. diary
  99. dictation
  100. dictatorship
  101. dictionary
  102. die
  103. diesel
  104. difference
  105. different
  106. differential
  107. differently
  108. difficult
  109. difficulty
  110. dig
  111. digit
  112. dike
  113. dining-room
  114. dinner
  115. direct
  116. direction
  117. directive
  118. directly
  119. director
  120. directory
  121. dirt
  122. dirty
  123. disabled
  124. disadvantageous
  125. disagree
  126. disagreement
  127. disallow
  128. disappear
  129. disappearance
  130. disappoint
  131. disappointed
  132. disburse
  133. disbursement
  134. disciplinary
  135. disclaim
  136. discomfortable
  137. discontinue
  138. discover
  139. discovery
  140. discreetly
  141. discrimination
  142. discuss
  143. discussion
  144. disease
  145. disgraceful
  146. disgustful
  147. dish
  148. dishonor
  149. dishonorable
  150. disillusion
  151. disintegration
  152. dislike
  153. disloyal
  154. disloyalty
  155. dismissal
  156. disobey
  157. displease
  158. displeasure
  159. disposal
  160. dissatisfaction
  161. dissatisfy
  162. distillation
  163. distributor
  164. distributorship
  165. disunite
  166. disuse
  167. ditto
  168. do
  169. doctor
  170. dog
  171. doggedly
  172. dollar
  173. donkey
  174. door
  175. doorway
  176. double
  177. dough
  178. dove
  179. down
  180. downstairs
  181. downward
  182. downwards
  183. dozen
  184. dragon
  185. dramatist
  186. dream
  187. dress
  188. dressing
  189. drink
  190. drive
  191. driver
  192. droop
  193. drop
  194. dropout
  195. drug
  196. drugstore
  197. drum
  198. drunk
  199. drunkard
  200. dry
  201. duck
  202. duke
  203. dummy
  204. dumping
  205. dung
  206. dungeon
  207. during
  208. dusk
  209. dust
  210. dustbin
  211. dusty
  212. duty
  213. duty-free
  214. dynasty


  1. each
  2. eagle
  3. ear
  4. earl
  5. early
  6. earmark
  7. earn
  8. earnings
  9. earphone
  10. earth
  11. earthly
  12. easily
  13. east
  14. easter
  15. eastern
  16. eastward
  17. easy
  18. easy-going
  19. eat
  20. economically
  21. editor
  22. educate
  23. educational
  24. eel
  25. effect
  26. effectively
  27. egg
  28. eggplant
  29. egypt
  30. egyptian
  31. eight
  32. eighteen
  33. eighth
  34. eighty
  35. either
  36. ejection
  37. elder
  38. elect
  39. electric
  40. electricity
  41. electrify
  42. elemental
  43. elephant
  44. eleven
  45. eleventh
  46. else
  47. elsewhere
  48. email
  49. embarrassing
  50. embarrassment
  51. emigration
  52. emperor
  53. emphatic
  54. empire
  55. emptiness
  56. encouragement
  57. encyclopaedia
  58. end
  59. ending
  60. endures
  61. enemy
  62. engaged
  63. engine
  64. engineer
  65. engineering
  66. england
  67. english
  68. englishman
  69. enjoy
  70. enjoyable
  71. enjoyment
  72. enlarge
  73. enlargement
  74. enlightening
  75. enough
  76. enroute
  77. enter
  78. entire
  79. entirely
  80. entirety
  81. envelope
  82. envious
  83. environmental
  84. epoch-making
  85. equally
  86. equivalence
  87. era
  88. eradication
  89. erasure
  90. erection
  91. err
  92. error
  93. especial
  94. especially
  95. essayist
  96. essentially
  97. established
  98. estimation
  99. europe
  100. european
  101. evaluation
  102. eve
  103. even
  104. evening
  105. evenly
  106. event
  107. ever
  108. every
  109. everybody
  110. everyday
  111. everyone
  112. everything
  113. everywhere
  114. evidently
  115. evil
  116. ex
  117. exactly
  118. exaggerated
  119. exam
  120. examination
  121. examine
  122. example
  123. exasperation
  124. excellence
  125. except
  126. excited
  127. exclamation
  128. exclusivity
  129. exercise
  130. exercise-book
  131. exist
  132. existence
  133. existing
  134. exoneration
  135. expect
  136. expectation
  137. expedience
  138. expense
  139. expensive
  140. experience
  141. experienced
  142. experiment
  143. experimental
  144. experimentation
  145. expiry
  146. explain
  147. explanation
  148. explanatory
  149. explicitly
  150. explosion
  151. exportation
  152. exporter
  153. express
  154. expression
  155. expressway
  156. extensively
  157. extraction
  158. extravagance
  159. extremely
  160. eyeball
  161. eyebrow
  162. eyeglass
  163. eyelid
  164. eyesight


  1. fable
  2. fabrication
  3. fact
  4. factory
  5. fahrenheit
  6. fail
  7. failure
  8. fair
  9. faithfully
  10. false
  11. family
  12. famous
  13. fan
  14. far
  15. farm
  16. farmer
  17. farmhand
  18. farmhouse
  19. farming
  20. farther
  21. fascism
  22. fascist
  23. fast
  24. fat
  25. fate
  26. father
  27. father-in-law
  28. faultless
  29. faulty
  30. favor
  31. favorably
  32. favorite
  33. fbi
  34. fear
  35. fearful
  36. fearless
  37. feasibility
  38. feather
  39. february
  40. feel
  41. feeling
  42. fellow
  43. feminine
  44. fence
  45. ferrous
  46. ferryboat
  47. feudal
  48. feudalism
  49. fever
  50. few
  51. fiddle
  52. field
  53. fiery
  54. fifteen
  55. fifth
  56. fifty
  57. fight
  58. fighter
  59. filing
  60. fill
  61. filling
  62. film
  63. finalize
  64. finally
  65. financier
  66. find
  67. finding
  68. fine
  69. finger
  70. finish
  71. finished
  72. fire
  73. fire-engine
  74. fireman
  75. fireplace
  76. firework
  77. firmly
  78. firmness
  79. first
  80. first-rate
  81. fish
  82. fisherman
  83. fission
  84. five
  85. fix
  86. flank
  87. flannel
  88. flat
  89. flatten
  90. fleshy
  91. flight
  92. flood
  93. floor
  94. flow
  95. flower
  96. flu
  97. fluid
  98. flute
  99. fly
  100. folk
  101. follow
  102. follower
  103. following
  104. follow-up
  105. fond
  106. food
  107. foodstuff
  108. fool
  109. foot
  110. football
  111. footing
  112. footstep
  113. for
  114. forbidden
  115. force
  116. fore
  117. forefinger
  118. foregoing
  119. forehead
  120. foreign
  121. foreigner
  122. foreman
  123. forest
  124. forestry
  125. forever
  126. forget
  127. fork
  128. form
  129. formulation
  130. forth
  131. fortuity
  132. fortunately
  133. forty
  134. four
  135. fourteen
  136. fourth
  137. fowl
  138. fox
  139. fractional
  140. france
  141. frankly
  142. free
  143. freedom
  144. freely
  145. freeze
  146. freezer
  147. french
  148. frenchman
  149. frequency
  150. frequent
  151. frequently
  152. fresh
  153. freshen
  154. freshman
  155. friday
  156. friend
  157. friendly
  158. friendship
  159. fright
  160. frighten
  161. frightful
  162. frock
  163. frog
  164. from
  165. front
  166. frosty
  167. fruit
  168. fry
  169. frying-pan
  170. fulfillment
  171. fully
  172. fun
  173. funny
  174. fur
  175. future
  176. futures


  1. gain
  2. gallon
  3. gambler
  4. game
  5. gangster
  6. garage
  7. garden
  8. gardener
  9. gardening
  10. garlic
  11. garrison
  12. gas
  13. gasp
  14. gate
  15. gather
  16. gathering
  17. gay
  18. general
  19. generally
  20. gentleman
  21. gently
  22. geography
  23. german
  24. germany
  25. get
  26. get-together
  27. ghost
  28. gift
  29. girl
  30. giver
  31. glad
  32. glance
  33. glass
  34. globalization
  35. globalize
  36. glory
  37. glove
  38. gnp
  39. go
  40. god
  41. goddess
  42. gold
  43. golden
  44. golf
  45. good
  46. good-bye
  47. good-looking
  48. goodness
  49. goods
  50. goodwill
  51. goose
  52. gorilla
  53. governess
  54. government
  55. gradually
  56. graduation
  57. grain
  58. gram
  59. grammar
  60. grammatical
  61. gramophone
  62. grandchild
  63. granddaughter
  64. grandfather
  65. grandmother
  66. grandparent
  67. grandson
  68. grape
  69. grass
  70. gratifying
  71. great
  72. greatly
  73. greatness
  74. greece
  75. greed
  76. greek
  77. green
  78. greengrocer
  79. greet
  80. greeting
  81. grey
  82. grocer
  83. grocery
  84. groundless
  85. group
  86. grow
  87. grown
  88. grown-up
  89. growth
  90. grunt
  91. guard
  92. guest
  93. guesthouse
  94. guidance
  95. guide
  96. guitar
  97. gum
  98. gun
  99. gunpowder
  100. guy
  101. gymnast


  1. habitual
  2. hair
  3. haircut
  4. hairdress
  5. hairpin
  6. half
  7. halfway
  8. hall
  9. halve
  10. hammer
  11. hand
  12. handbag
  13. handicapped
  14. handkerchief
  15. handling
  16. handout
  17. handwriting
  18. happen
  19. happening
  20. happily
  21. happiness
  22. happy
  23. hard
  24. hardly
  25. hardness
  26. hardship
  27. hard-working
  28. hare
  29. harm
  30. hat
  31. hate
  32. hateful
  33. hatred
  34. have
  35. he
  36. head
  37. headache
  38. headline
  39. headmaster
  40. headquarters
  41. health
  42. healthy
  43. hear
  44. heart
  45. heartfelt
  46. hearth
  47. heartily
  48. hearty
  49. heat
  50. heated
  51. heating
  52. heavily
  53. heavy
  54. height
  55. hello
  56. help
  57. hen
  58. her
  59. herbal
  60. here
  61. hereafter
  62. hereby
  63. herein
  64. hereinafter
  65. hereof
  66. hereto
  67. herewith
  68. hero
  69. heroic
  70. heroine
  71. herself
  72. hesitation
  73. hey
  74. hi
  75. high
  76. highland
  77. highly
  78. highway
  79. hijacker
  80. hill
  81. hillside
  82. him
  83. himself
  84. hind
  85. hip
  86. hire
  87. his
  88. historical
  89. history
  90. hit
  91. holder
  92. holding
  93. hold-up
  94. hole
  95. holiday
  96. holy
  97. home
  98. homeless
  99. homework
  100. homogenous
  101. honest
  102. honesty
  103. honey
  104. honeymoon
  105. honor
  106. honorable
  107. hope
  108. hopeful
  109. hopefully
  110. hopeless
  111. horrify
  112. horse
  113. horsepower
  114. hospital
  115. hostel
  116. hostess
  117. hot
  118. hotdog
  119. hotel
  120. hotelling
  121. hour
  122. household
  123. housekeeper
  124. housewife
  125. housework
  126. how
  127. however
  128. huge
  129. human
  130. humanism
  131. humiliation
  132. humor
  133. hundred
  134. hundredth
  135. hungry
  136. hunt
  137. hunter
  138. hurrah
  139. hurry
  140. hurt
  141. hut
  142. hydraulic
  143. hydroelectric
  144. hysteric


  1. i
  2. ice
  3. ice-bound
  4. ice-cream
  5. iceland
  6. icy
  7. idea
  8. idealism
  9. idealize
  10. idleness
  11. if
  12. ill
  13. illegal
  14. illiteracy
  15. illness
  16. imagination
  17. imagine
  18. immaterial
  19. immature
  20. impatience
  21. impatient
  22. imperfect
  23. imperialism
  24. imperialist
  25. implementation
  26. implied
  27. importance
  28. important
  29. importation
  30. importer
  31. imposition
  32. impossibility
  33. impossible
  34. impost
  35. impress
  36. impression
  37. imprison
  38. improper
  39. improve
  40. improvement
  41. impurity
  42. in
  43. inaccurate
  44. inasmuch
  45. inaugural
  46. inauguration
  47. incapable
  48. inch
  49. include
  50. inclusion
  51. incompatibility
  52. incomplete
  53. inconsistent
  54. inconvenience
  55. incorporated
  56. incorrect
  57. incoterms
  58. increase
  59. increasing
  60. increasingly
  61. indebtedness
  62. indeed
  63. indemnify
  64. independence
  65. independently
  66. india
  67. indian
  68. indication
  69. indirect
  70. indirectly
  71. indoor
  72. indoors
  73. induction
  74. industrialize
  75. industry
  76. ineffective
  77. ineffectiveness
  78. inefficiency
  79. inefficient
  80. inexpensive
  81. infinitely
  82. infinitive
  83. inflammable
  84. information
  85. infrequent
  86. infringement
  87. injection
  88. ink
  89. inlet
  90. inn
  91. inner
  92. innocence
  93. inorganic
  94. input
  95. insect
  96. insertion
  97. inside
  98. insistent
  99. insofar
  100. instable
  101. instant
  102. instantly
  103. instead
  104. instructor
  105. integration
  106. intend
  107. intensity
  108. intentional
  109. intercourse
  110. interested
  111. interesting
  112. interface
  113. international
  114. internationalization
  115. internationalize
  116. interpreter
  117. interruption
  118. interview
  119. intimation
  120. into
  121. intonation
  122. introduce
  123. introduction
  124. introductory
  125. invent
  126. invention
  127. inventor
  128. inversely
  129. investment
  130. invitation
  131. invite
  132. involved
  133. involvement
  134. inward
  135. inwards
  136. ireland
  137. irish
  138. iron
  139. ironical
  140. irregularity
  141. irritation
  142. islam
  143. island
  144. it
  145. italian
  146. italy
  147. itch
  148. itemize
  149. its
  150. itself


  1. jack
  2. jacket
  3. january
  4. japan
  5. japanese
  6. jaw
  7. jazz
  8. jeans
  9. jeep
  10. jesus
  11. jet
  12. jew
  13. jewish
  14. jingle
  15. job
  16. jobless
  17. join
  18. joint
  19. joke
  20. jot
  21. journey
  22. joy
  23. joyful
  24. judge
  25. jug
  26. july
  27. jump
  28. june
  29. jupiter
  30. just


  1. keep
  2. keeper
  3. keeping
  4. kettle
  5. key
  6. keyhole
  7. kick
  8. kid
  9. kidnaper
  10. kill
  11. killer
  12. kilo
  13. kilogram
  14. kilometer
  15. kilowatt
  16. kind
  17. kindergarten
  18. kindly
  19. kindness
  20. king
  21. kiss
  22. kit
  23. kitchen
  24. kite
  25. knee
  26. knife
  27. knight
  28. knock
  29. know
  30. know-how
  31. knowledge
  32. knowledgeable


  1. lab
  2. labor
  3. laboratory
  4. labor-intensive
  5. lack
  6. lad
  7. ladder
  8. lady
  9. lake
  10. lamp
  11. land
  12. landed
  13. landlady
  14. landlord
  15. language
  16. lantern
  17. large
  18. last
  19. late
  20. lately
  21. later
  22. lathe
  23. latin
  24. latter
  25. lattice
  26. laugh
  27. laughter
  28. lavatory
  29. law
  30. lawful
  31. lawyer
  32. layday
  33. laziness
  34. lazy
  35. le
  36. leader
  37. leaf
  38. leakage
  39. learn
  40. learned
  41. learner
  42. learning
  43. least
  44. leather
  45. leave
  46. lecturer
  47. leeway
  48. left
  49. left-handed
  50. leftover
  51. leg
  52. lemon
  53. lemonade
  54. lend
  55. lending
  56. length
  57. leninism
  58. lens
  59. less
  60. lessen
  61. lesson
  62. lest
  63. let
  64. letter
  65. level
  66. liar
  67. liberation
  68. librarian
  69. library
  70. lid
  71. lie
  72. lieutenant
  73. life
  74. lifetime
  75. lighten
  76. lighter
  77. lighthouse
  78. lightly
  79. lightning
  80. like
  81. likely
  82. likeness
  83. liking
  84. lily
  85. lime
  86. limit
  87. limitation
  88. limited
  89. linguist
  90. lining
  91. lion
  92. lioness
  93. lip
  94. lipstick
  95. listen
  96. listener
  97. litre
  98. little
  99. live
  100. living
  101. living-room
  102. local
  103. lock-up
  104. loneliness
  105. lonely
  106. lonesome
  107. long
  108. longing
  109. long-term
  110. look
  111. lord
  112. lorry
  113. loss
  114. lost
  115. lot
  116. loud
  117. loudness
  118. loudspeaker
  119. lovable
  120. love
  121. lovely
  122. lover
  123. lower
  124. loyalty
  125. lubrication
  126. luck
  127. lucky
  128. luggage
  129. lunch
  130. luncheon
  131. lung


  1. machine
  2. machinery
  3. macroeconomics
  4. mad
  5. madam
  6. madman
  7. madness
  8. magazine
  9. magnet
  10. maid
  11. maiden
  12. mail
  13. mailbox
  14. main
  15. mainland
  16. mainly
  17. mainstream
  18. make
  19. maker
  20. make-shift
  21. make-up
  22. malaria
  23. malaysia
  24. male
  25. man
  26. manage
  27. management
  28. manager
  29. managerial
  30. manhood
  31. manipulation
  32. mankind
  33. manly
  34. manner
  35. manufactured
  36. manufacturer
  37. many
  38. mark
  39. market
  40. marketable
  41. marketing
  42. marketplace
  43. marking
  44. marriage
  45. married
  46. marry
  47. mars
  48. marvellous
  49. marxism
  50. marxist
  51. mass
  52. massage
  53. master
  54. mat
  55. materialize
  56. mathematical
  57. mathematician
  58. maths
  59. matinee
  60. matter
  61. maximize
  62. may
  63. maybe
  64. mayor
  65. me
  66. meal
  67. mean
  68. meaning
  69. means
  70. meantime
  71. meanwhile
  72. measurement
  73. meat
  74. mechanic
  75. mechanically
  76. medical
  77. medicine
  78. mediterranean
  79. meet
  80. meeting
  81. member
  82. membership
  83. memoir
  84. merciful
  85. mercury
  86. merely
  87. merry
  88. message
  89. messenger
  90. metal
  91. metallurgy
  92. meter
  93. meticulously
  94. metre
  95. mexican
  96. mexico
  97. microeconomics
  98. microphone
  99. microprocessor
  100. midday
  101. middle
  102. middleman
  103. middling
  104. midnight
  105. midst
  106. might
  107. mild
  108. mile
  109. mileage
  110. militia
  111. milkman
  112. milky
  113. mill
  114. millimetre
  115. million
  116. mincer
  117. mind
  118. mine
  119. miner
  120. mineral
  121. minicomputer
  122. mint
  123. mirror
  124. miscarry
  125. miser
  126. mishandle
  127. misinterpret
  128. miss
  129. missing
  130. missionary
  131. mistake
  132. mistaken
  133. mister
  134. mistress
  135. misty
  136. misunderstand
  137. misunderstanding
  138. mitten
  139. mix
  140. mixer
  141. mixture
  142. mob
  143. model
  144. moderately
  145. modern
  146. modernization
  147. modernize
  148. modesty
  149. modified
  150. moment
  151. monday
  152. money
  153. monk
  154. monkey
  155. month
  156. monthly
  157. mood
  158. moon
  159. moonlight
  160. moonlighting
  161. mop
  162. moral
  163. more
  164. morning
  165. moslem
  166. mosque
  167. mosquito
  168. moss
  169. most
  170. mostly
  171. moth
  172. mother
  173. mother-in-law
  174. motor
  175. motorcar
  176. motorcycle
  177. motorist
  178. motorway
  179. mountain
  180. mountainous
  181. mouse
  182. mouthful
  183. move
  184. movie
  185. mr.
  186. mrs.
  187. ms.
  188. much
  189. mud
  190. muddy
  191. mug
  192. mule
  193. multifunction
  194. multiplication
  195. mumble
  196. mumps
  197. murder
  198. murderer
  199. muscle
  200. museum
  201. music
  202. musical
  203. musician
  204. must
  205. mustard
  206. mutter
  207. my
  208. myself
  209. mystery
  210. mystic


  1. nail
  2. naive
  3. name
  4. nameless
  5. namesake
  6. napkin
  7. narrate
  8. narration
  9. narrow
  10. nation
  11. national
  12. nationality
  13. natural
  14. naturally
  15. nature
  16. naughty
  17. navel
  18. navy
  19. near
  20. nearby
  21. nearly
  22. necessarily
  23. necessary
  24. necessity
  25. neck
  26. necklace
  27. need
  28. needful
  29. needless
  30. negotiate
  31. negro
  32. neighbor
  33. neighborhood
  34. neighboring
  35. neither
  36. nephew
  37. nerve
  38. nest
  39. nestle
  40. net
  41. neutrality
  42. never
  43. new
  44. news
  45. newspaper
  46. next
  47. nice
  48. nickname
  49. niece
  50. night
  51. nightgown
  52. nightingale
  53. nine
  54. nineteen
  55. ninety
  56. ninth
  57. no
  58. no.
  59. noble
  60. nobody
  61. nod
  62. noise
  63. none
  64. noon
  65. nor
  66. normal
  67. normalization
  68. normalize
  69. north
  70. northeast
  71. northern
  72. northward
  73. northwest
  74. nose
  75. nostril
  76. not
  77. notebook
  78. noted
  79. note-taking
  80. nothing
  81. notice
  82. noticeable
  83. notification
  84. noun
  85. novelette
  86. novelist
  87. november
  88. now
  89. number
  90. nun
  91. nurse
  92. nut


  1. o.k.
  2. obedience
  3. obey
  4. observation
  5. observer
  6. obviously
  7. occident
  8. occidental
  9. ocean
  10. oceania
  11. oceanography
  12. o-clock
  13. october
  14. of
  15. off
  16. off-duty
  17. offering
  18. off-grade
  19. office
  20. officer
  21. official
  22. often
  23. oh
  24. oil
  25. old
  26. olive
  27. on
  28. once
  29. one
  30. oneself
  31. onion
  32. only
  33. onto
  34. onward
  35. opal
  36. open
  37. opener
  38. opening
  39. operate
  40. operation
  41. operational
  42. operator
  43. opium
  44. oppress
  45. oppression
  46. optimize
  47. or
  48. orange
  49. order
  50. ordinarily
  51. ordinary
  52. organization
  53. organizational
  54. organize
  55. originally
  56. orphan
  57. oscillation
  58. other
  59. otherwise
  60. ought
  61. our
  62. ourselves
  63. out
  64. outdoor
  65. outer
  66. outland
  67. outlay
  68. outside
  69. outsider
  70. outskirts
  71. outturn
  72. outward
  73. oven
  74. over
  75. overcoat
  76. overextend
  77. overhead
  78. overjoy
  79. overnight
  80. overpayment
  81. owing
  82. owner
  83. ox


  1. pacific
  2. package
  3. packet
  4. packing
  5. page
  6. pail
  7. pain
  8. painful
  9. paint
  10. painter
  11. palace
  12. panda
  13. panther
  14. paper
  15. papercut
  16. papercutting
  17. papers
  18. parcel
  19. pardon
  20. parent
  21. paris
  22. parish
  23. park
  24. parking
  25. parlimental
  26. parlor
  27. parrot
  28. part
  29. partially
  30. participation
  31. particular
  32. particularly
  33. partly
  34. partnership
  35. part-time
  36. party
  37. pass
  38. passable
  39. passage
  40. passenger
  41. past
  42. past-due
  43. paste
  44. pat
  45. patience
  46. patient
  47. pattern
  48. pause
  49. paw
  50. pay
  51. payable
  52. payment
  53. pea
  54. peace
  55. peaceful
  56. peacock
  57. peanut
  58. pear
  59. pearl
  60. peasant
  61. peasantry
  62. pedlar
  63. peep
  64. peg
  65. pen
  66. pencil
  67. penicillin
  68. peninsular
  69. penny
  70. people
  71. pepper
  72. per
  73. percentage
  74. perfectly
  75. perhaps
  76. permanence
  77. permanently
  78. person
  79. personally
  80. persuasion
  81. pertinence
  82. perturbed
  83. perusal
  84. pessimist
  85. pessimistic
  86. petrol
  87. philosopher
  88. philosophical
  89. phone
  90. photo
  91. photographer
  92. photography
  93. photostatic
  94. physically
  95. physicist
  96. physics
  97. pianist
  98. pickle
  99. pickpocket
  100. pictorial
  101. picture
  102. pie
  103. piece
  104. pig
  105. pigeon
  106. pilferage
  107. pilgrimage
  108. pink
  109. pint
  110. pipe
  111. pipeline
  112. pity
  113. place
  114. plan
  115. plant
  116. plastics
  117. platinum
  118. play
  119. player
  120. playground
  121. playmate
  122. pleasant
  123. please
  124. pleased
  125. plenary
  126. plentiful
  127. plenty
  128. plural
  129. pneumatic
  130. pocket
  131. poem
  132. poet
  133. poetry
  134. point
  135. pointed
  136. poison
  137. poisonous
  138. poker
  139. polarity
  140. police
  141. policeman
  142. polite
  143. politeness
  144. political
  145. politician
  146. polymer
  147. pond
  148. pool
  149. poor
  150. pop
  151. pope
  152. popularize
  153. population
  154. pork
  155. porridge
  156. porter
  157. portugal
  158. portuguese
  159. position
  160. positively
  161. possessive
  162. possibility
  163. possible
  164. possibly
  165. postman
  166. post-office
  167. postponement
  168. potato
  169. powder
  170. power
  171. powerful
  172. practice
  173. practise
  174. praise
  175. pray
  176. prayer
  177. preacher
  178. precisely
  179. predominance
  180. prefer
  181. preferably
  182. preferential
  183. prefix
  184. premier
  185. premises
  186. preoccupy
  187. preparation
  188. prepare
  189. prepared
  190. preposition
  191. presently
  192. preset
  193. president
  194. presidential
  195. pressing
  196. pretend
  197. pretty
  198. prevalence
  199. prevent
  200. prevention
  201. previously
  202. price
  203. price-list
  204. pricing
  205. pride
  206. priest
  207. primarily
  208. prince
  209. princess
  210. principally
  211. print
  212. printer
  213. prism
  214. prison
  215. prisoner
  216. private
  217. privileged
  218. prize
  219. probability
  220. probable
  221. probably
  222. problem
  223. processing
  224. procurement
  225. producer
  226. product
  227. production
  228. profess
  229. professor
  230. profitable
  231. proforma
  232. program
  233. programer
  234. programing
  235. prohibition
  236. promissory
  237. promotion
  238. promptly
  239. pronoun
  240. pronounce
  241. pronunciation
  242. propagation
  243. propellent
  244. properly
  245. prophesy
  246. proportional
  247. prosecution
  248. protect
  249. protection
  250. protectionism
  251. protective
  252. protestant
  253. protracted
  254. proud
  255. prove
  256. proverb
  257. provide
  258. provided
  259. province
  260. proximo
  261. psychological
  262. psychologist
  263. public
  264. publicly
  265. publisher
  266. pudding
  267. puff
  268. pulley
  269. punctuality
  270. punctuation
  271. punish
  272. punishment
  273. puppet
  274. purchaser
  275. pure
  276. purely
  277. purpose
  278. pursuance
  279. pursuant
  280. push
  281. put
  282. pyjamas

  1. quality
  2. quantity
  3. quarrel
  4. quart
  5. queen
  6. question
  7. queue
  8. quick
  9. quicken
  10. quickly
  11. quiet
  12. quietly
  13. quietness
  14. quit
  15. quite
  16. quiz


  1. rabbit
  2. race
  3. racial
  4. radial
  5. radio
  6. radioactive
  7. radioactivity
  8. radish
  9. radium
  10. rag
  11. railroad
  12. railway
  13. rain
  14. raincoat
  15. rainfall
  16. rainy
  17. raise
  18. rake
  19. rapid
  20. rapidly
  21. rascal
  22. rash
  23. rate
  24. rather
  25. ratification
  26. re
  27. reach
  28. reaction
  29. reactor
  30. reader
  31. reading
  32. ready
  33. real
  34. realism
  35. realist
  36. realistic
  37. reality
  38. realize
  39. really
  40. reason
  41. reasonably
  42. rebate
  43. receive
  44. receiver
  45. recent
  46. recently
  47. recitation
  48. recollect
  49. record
  50. recorder
  51. recovery
  52. recruitment
  53. rectification
  54. red
  55. redound
  56. reduce
  57. reduction
  58. reexport
  59. refer
  60. referent
  61. refinery
  62. reform
  63. refresh
  64. refuge
  65. refuse
  66. regard
  67. regional
  68. regionalization
  69. regionalize
  70. registered
  71. registration
  72. regret
  73. regretful
  74. regretfully
  75. regrettable
  76. regular
  77. regularity
  78. regularly
  79. reimbursement
  80. reinforcement
  81. relate
  82. related
  83. relation
  84. relationship
  85. relative
  86. relatively
  87. relativity
  88. remain
  89. remember
  90. remembrance
  91. reminiscent
  92. remote
  93. remoteness
  94. removal
  95. remuneration
  96. repair
  97. repairmen
  98. repay
  99. repeat
  100. repeatedly
  101. repetitive
  102. replenishment
  103. reply
  104. report
  105. reportage
  106. reporter
  107. republic
  108. republican
  109. requirement
  110. researcher
  111. resentful
  112. reservation
  113. resolutely
  114. respectable
  115. respectful
  116. respectfully
  117. response
  118. rest
  119. restaurant
  120. restock
  121. result
  122. resultant
  123. retell
  124. return
  125. rewarding
  126. rheumatism
  127. rhyme
  128. rice
  129. rich
  130. richness
  131. rid
  132. ride
  133. right
  134. ring
  135. riotous
  136. risk
  137. river
  138. road
  139. rob
  140. robber
  141. robbery
  142. robot
  143. rock
  144. rock-bottom
  145. rocket
  146. roller
  147. roman
  148. romance
  149. romantic
  150. romanticism
  151. rome
  152. roof
  153. room
  154. root
  155. rope
  156. rose
  157. rosy
  158. rotten
  159. row
  160. royal
  161. rubber
  162. rubbish
  163. rude
  164. rug
  165. ruler
  166. ruling
  167. rumor
  168. run
  169. runner
  170. running
  171. rush
  172. russia
  173. russian
  174. rusty


  1. sad
  2. sadly
  3. sadness
  4. safe
  5. safely
  6. safety
  7. said
  8. sail
  9. sailing
  10. sailor
  11. saint
  12. salability
  13. salable
  14. salad
  15. salary
  16. sale
  17. sales
  18. salesman
  19. salt
  20. salty
  21. salution
  22. same
  23. sampling
  24. sand
  25. sandwich
  26. santa
  27. sardine
  28. satisfactorily
  29. satisfy
  30. saturation
  31. saturday
  32. saturn
  33. sausage
  34. saw
  35. say
  36. scaly
  37. scarcity
  38. school
  39. schooling
  40. science
  41. scientific
  42. scientist
  43. scorching
  44. scornful
  45. scotland
  46. scotsman
  47. scottish
  48. scream
  49. screech
  50. sea
  51. seaman
  52. search
  53. seaside
  54. season
  55. seat
  56. second
  57. secondhand
  58. secondly
  59. secrecy
  60. secretariat
  61. secretary
  62. see
  63. seed
  64. seem
  65. seize
  66. seizure
  67. seldom
  68. self
  69. selfish
  70. sell
  71. seller
  72. semiconductor
  73. seminar
  74. senate
  75. send
  76. sender
  77. senior
  78. senseless
  79. separately
  80. separation
  81. september
  82. sermon
  83. serpent
  84. servant
  85. serve
  86. service
  87. serviceable
  88. set
  89. settlement
  90. seven
  91. seventeen
  92. seventh
  93. seventy
  94. several
  95. severely
  96. sew
  97. sewing-machine
  98. sex
  99. sexual
  100. sexuality
  101. shadow
  102. shadowy
  103. shady
  104. shake
  105. shall
  106. shame
  107. shameful
  108. shampoo
  109. shape
  110. shapeless
  111. share
  112. shark
  113. sharp
  114. sharpener
  115. she
  116. sheep
  117. sheepish
  118. shelf
  119. shilling
  120. ship
  121. shipbuilding
  122. shipmail
  123. shipowner
  124. shipping
  125. shipyard
  126. shirt
  127. shoe
  128. shoemaker
  129. shoot
  130. shop
  131. shopkeeper
  132. shopping
  133. shore
  134. shortage
  135. shortcoming
  136. shorten
  137. shorthand
  138. shortly
  139. shorts
  140. short-weight
  141. should
  142. shoulder
  143. shout
  144. show
  145. showroom
  146. shrimp
  147. shut
  148. sickle
  149. side
  150. sidewalk
  151. sight
  152. signpost
  153. silence
  154. silent
  155. silicon
  156. silk
  157. silky
  158. silver
  159. similarity
  160. simple
  161. simply
  162. simultaneously
  163. sin
  164. since
  165. sincerely
  166. sincerity
  167. sinful
  168. sing
  169. singer
  170. sir
  171. sister
  172. sit
  173. sitting-room
  174. situate
  175. situation
  176. six
  177. sixteen
  178. sixth
  179. sixty
  180. sizable
  181. size
  182. skate
  183. skating
  184. ski
  185. skiing
  186. skill
  187. skillful
  188. skin
  189. skirt
  190. sky
  191. slang
  192. slave
  193. slavery
  194. sleep
  195. sleepy
  196. sleet
  197. sleeve
  198. slow
  199. slowdown
  200. slowly
  201. sly
  202. smack
  203. small
  204. smell
  205. smile
  206. smoke
  207. smoker
  208. smoking
  209. smuggler
  210. smuggling
  211. snail
  212. snake
  213. sneakers
  214. sneeze
  215. sniff
  216. snobbery
  217. snore
  218. snow
  219. snowman
  220. snowstorm
  221. snowy
  222. so
  223. soap
  224. sob
  225. so-called
  226. soccer
  227. social
  228. socialism
  229. socialist
  230. society
  231. sociologist
  232. soda
  233. sodium
  234. sofa
  235. soft
  236. soften
  237. softly
  238. softness
  239. software
  240. solid
  241. solve
  242. solvency
  243. some
  244. somebody
  245. someone
  246. something
  247. sometime
  248. sometimes
  249. somewhere
  250. son
  251. song
  252. son-in-law
  253. sonnet
  254. soon
  255. soot
  256. sorrow
  257. sorrowful
  258. sorry
  259. soul
  260. soup
  261. south
  262. southeast
  263. southern
  264. southward
  265. southwest
  266. space
  267. spade
  268. spain
  269. spanish
  270. speak
  271. speaker
  272. special
  273. specialist
  274. specially
  275. specialty
  276. speculator
  277. speech
  278. speed
  279. spelling
  280. spend
  281. spice
  282. spicy
  283. spider
  284. spirit
  285. sponsorship
  286. spoonful
  287. sportsman
  288. sportsmanship
  289. spread
  290. sprinkle
  291. spy
  292. stage
  293. stagnation
  294. stainless
  295. stair
  296. stamp
  297. stand
  298. standstill
  299. star
  300. stare
  301. start
  302. starting
  303. state
  304. statement
  305. station
  306. statistical
  307. stay
  308. steadily
  309. steal
  310. steam
  311. steel
  312. stencil
  313. step
  314. stevedore
  315. stew
  316. stewardess
  317. still
  318. stillness
  319. stir
  320. stirring
  321. stocking
  322. stone
  323. stony
  324. stool
  325. stop
  326. storage
  327. store
  328. storm
  329. stormy
  330. story
  331. stove
  332. stow
  333. stowage
  334. straight
  335. straighten
  336. strange
  337. stranger
  338. straw
  339. strawberry
  340. stray
  341. stream
  342. streamline
  343. street
  344. streetcar
  345. strength
  346. strict
  347. strictly
  348. stroller
  349. strong
  350. stronghold
  351. strongly
  352. struggle
  353. student
  354. study
  355. stump
  356. stupid
  357. stupidity
  358. stylist
  359. subdivide
  360. subjunctive
  361. subordination
  362. subscription
  363. subsequence
  364. substance
  365. substitution
  366. suburban
  367. subway
  368. succeed
  369. success
  370. successful
  371. successfully
  372. such
  373. sudden
  374. suddenly
  375. suffer
  376. suffering
  377. sufficiently
  378. suffix
  379. sugar
  380. suggest
  381. suggestion
  382. suicide
  383. summarize
  384. summer
  385. sun
  386. sunday
  387. sunny
  388. super
  389. superiority
  390. supermarket
  391. superstitious
  392. supper
  393. supplier
  394. supply
  395. support
  396. supporter
  397. supposing
  398. suppression
  399. sure
  400. surely
  401. surname
  402. surprise
  403. surprising
  404. surround
  405. surroundings
  406. surveyor
  407. swan
  408. sweat
  409. swede
  410. sweden
  411. swedish
  412. sweet
  413. sweeten
  414. sweetheart
  415. sweetness
  416. swim
  417. swiss
  418. switch
  419. switzerland
  420. sword
  421. symmetric
  422. systematically


  1. tabulate
  2. tactful
  3. tail
  4. take
  5. take-off
  6. tale
  7. talk
  8. talkative
  9. tall
  10. tank
  11. tanker
  12. tape-recorder
  13. tape-recording
  14. tare
  15. tasteful
  16. tax
  17. taxi
  18. tea
  19. teach
  20. teacher
  21. teaching
  22. teacup
  23. technological
  24. teenager
  25. teens
  26. telefax
  27. telegram
  28. telephone
  29. television
  30. tell
  31. teller
  32. ten
  33. tennis
  34. tent
  35. tenth
  36. terminable
  37. terrible
  38. terrorism
  39. terrorist
  40. test
  41. textbook
  42. textual
  43. than
  44. thank
  45. thankful
  46. thanks
  47. thanksgiving
  48. that
  49. theatre
  50. their
  51. them
  52. themselves
  53. then
  54. there
  55. thereafter
  56. therefrom
  57. therein
  58. thereof
  59. thereon
  60. therewith
  61. these
  62. they
  63. thick
  64. thicken
  65. thickness
  66. thief
  67. thin
  68. thing
  69. think
  70. thinker
  71. thinking
  72. third
  73. thirsty
  74. thirteen
  75. thirty
  76. this
  77. thoroughly
  78. those
  79. though
  80. thought
  81. thoughtless
  82. thousand
  83. threat
  84. three
  85. thrift
  86. thriller
  87. throne
  88. through
  89. throw
  90. thumbtack
  91. thursday
  92. thus
  93. ticket
  94. tickle
  95. tie
  96. tie-up
  97. tiger
  98. tight
  99. tightly
  100. tigress
  101. till
  102. time
  103. timetable
  104. tin
  105. tiny
  106. tiptoe
  107. tire
  108. tired
  109. tiresome
  110. to
  111. toad
  112. tobacco
  113. today
  114. together
  115. toilet
  116. tomato
  117. tomb
  118. tombstone
  119. tomorrow
  120. ton
  121. tone
  122. tonight
  123. tonnage
  124. tonne
  125. too
  126. tool
  127. tooth
  128. toothache
  129. toothbrush
  130. toothpaste
  131. top
  132. torment
  133. torpedo
  134. tortoise
  135. total
  136. totally
  137. touch
  138. tour
  139. tourist
  140. toward
  141. town
  142. toy
  143. trade
  144. trademark
  145. trader
  146. tradesman
  147. traditional
  148. traffic
  149. tragic
  150. train
  151. trainee
  152. trainer
  153. training
  154. tram
  155. transact
  156. transferable
  157. transformer
  158. translate
  159. translation
  160. translator
  161. transportation
  162. transship
  163. transshipment
  164. transverse
  165. travel
  166. traveler
  167. treasure
  168. treasurer
  169. treat
  170. tree
  171. triangle
  172. triangular
  173. tricky
  174. trip
  175. triplicate
  176. triumphant
  177. trolley
  178. troop
  179. trot
  180. trouble
  181. trousers
  182. truck
  183. true
  184. truly
  185. trust
  186. truth
  187. truthful
  188. try
  189. tuberculosis
  190. tuesday
  191. tulip
  192. tuna
  193. tune
  194. turbine
  195. turk
  196. turkey
  197. turn
  198. turning
  199. turnip
  200. turtle
  201. twelfth
  202. twelve
  203. twentieth
  204. twenty
  205. twice
  206. twin
  207. two
  208. type
  209. typewriter
  210. typist


  1. ulcer
  2. ultimo
  3. umbrella
  4. unable
  5. unacceptable
  6. unaccommodating
  7. unaffordable
  8. unavoidable
  9. uncertain
  10. uncertainty
  11. uncle
  12. uncomfortable
  13. uncommon
  14. unconditionally
  15. under
  16. undermentioned
  17. undersigned
  18. understand
  19. understanding
  20. underwear
  21. underwriter
  22. unduly
  23. unemloyment
  24. unexpected
  25. unfit
  26. unfortunate
  27. unhappy
  28. uniformly
  29. uninterested
  30. union
  31. unit
  32. unite
  33. united
  34. universally
  35. university
  36. unjust
  37. unkind
  38. unknown
  39. unlawful
  40. unless
  41. unlike
  42. unlimited
  43. unlock
  44. unlucky
  45. unmerchantable
  46. unnecessary
  47. unobtainable
  48. unpaid
  49. unpleasant
  50. unprecedentedly
  51. unreasonable
  52. unsalable
  53. unsuitable
  54. untie
  55. until
  56. unusable
  57. unusual
  58. unwelcome
  59. unwilling
  60. unworkable
  61. up
  62. upcreep
  63. upon
  64. upper
  65. uproar
  66. upside
  67. upside-down
  68. upstairs
  69. up-to-date
  70. upward
  71. uranium
  72. urgently
  73. us
  74. usage
  75. use
  76. useful
  77. usefulness
  78. useless
  79. user
  80. usual
  81. usually


  1. vaccination
  2. vainly
  3. valuable
  4. value
  5. valued
  6. van
  7. vase
  8. velvet
  9. vender
  10. venus
  11. verb
  12. verification
  13. versus
  14. very
  15. vest
  16. victim
  17. video
  18. view
  19. viewer
  20. viewpoint
  21. villa
  22. village
  23. villain
  24. vinegar
  25. violation
  26. violet
  27. virgin
  28. visa
  29. visit
  30. visitor
  31. vitamin
  32. vividly
  33. vividness
  34. vocabulary
  35. voice
  36. voiceless
  37. volleyball
  38. volt
  39. voting
  40. vouch
  41. vulnerability


  1. wait
  2. waiter
  3. waitress
  4. waken
  5. walk
  6. walker
  7. wall
  8. wallet
  9. want
  10. war
  11. warehousing
  12. warm
  13. warmly
  14. warmth
  15. warn
  16. warning
  17. warranted
  18. warranty
  19. warship
  20. wash
  21. washing-machine
  22. wasp
  23. waste
  24. wasteful
  25. watch
  26. watchful
  27. water
  28. waterfall
  29. waterfront
  30. watertight
  31. watery
  32. watt
  33. wave
  34. wavelength
  35. waving
  36. way
  37. we
  38. weak
  39. weakness
  40. wealth
  41. wealthy
  42. wear
  43. wednesday
  44. week
  45. weekday
  46. weekend
  47. weekly
  48. weep
  49. weigh
  50. weight
  51. welcome
  52. well
  53. well-known
  54. west
  55. western
  56. westerner
  57. westward
  58. wet
  59. whale
  60. whaling
  61. wharf
  62. what
  63. whatever
  64. wheat
  65. wheel
  66. when
  67. whenever
  68. where
  69. whereabouts
  70. wherein
  71. wherever
  72. whether
  73. which
  74. whichever
  75. while
  76. whisker
  77. whisky
  78. white
  79. whitewash
  80. who
  81. whoever
  82. whole
  83. wholesaling
  84. wholly
  85. whom
  86. whose
  87. why
  88. wide
  89. widely
  90. widen
  91. widow
  92. widower
  93. wife
  94. wild
  95. will
  96. willing
  97. willingly
  98. willingness
  99. win
  100. wind
  101. windmill
  102. window
  103. windowsill
  104. windy
  105. wine
  106. winery
  107. wing
  108. wink
  109. winner
  110. winter
  111. wipe
  112. wire
  113. wireless
  114. wise
  115. wish
  116. with
  117. within
  118. without
  119. witty
  120. wolf
  121. woman
  122. wonder
  123. wonderful
  124. wood
  125. wooden
  126. woodpecker
  127. woollen
  128. word
  129. wordy
  130. work
  131. workable
  132. worker
  133. workman
  134. workmanship
  135. works
  136. workshop
  137. world
  138. worm
  139. worry
  140. worse
  141. worship
  142. worth
  143. worthless
  144. worthy
  145. wound
  146. wounded
  147. wrapper
  148. wreath
  149. write
  150. writer
  151. writing
  152. written
  153. wrong
  154. wrongly


  1. xerox
  2. x-ray


  1. year
  2. yearly
  3. yell
  4. yellow
  5. yes
  6. yesterday
  7. yet
  8. you
  9. young
  10. youngster
  11. your
  12. yourself
  13. youth
  14. youthful


  1. zebra
  2. zero
  3. zinc
  4. zip
  5. zipcode
  6. zipper
  7. zoo