TOEIC คำที่ 1201 - 1300

1201 paint n. colored substance applied to surfaces; layer of dried pigment on a surface
1202 recruitment n. act of enlisting or drafting new members
1203 consultancy n. the practice of giving expert advice within a particular field
1204 crux n. heart of the matter; main point
1205 fabric n. textile; weave; structure; framework; construction
1206 capability n. ability; skill; trait; characteristic; quality
1207 export n. shipping of goods to other countries
1208 compliment n. expression of admiration; word of praise for someone
1209 stay n. act of halting; visit; temporary residence; suspension of a legal proceeding
1210 mentor n. adviser; counselor; person who guides and teaches; spiritual instructor
1211 underestimate v. to assign too low a value to
1212 use v. to practice; to employ; to exploit; to treat; to consume
1213 appreciate v. to esteem; to regard highly; to become more valuable
1214 tantalizing v. to tempt or tease by presenting something as available and then withholding it
1215 connote v. to imply; to suggest; to hint
1216 expect v. to assume; to anticipate; to hope
1217 level v. to straighten; to flatten; to make even; to equalize
1218 sum v. to add
1219 create v. to produce; to design; to make; to manufacture
1220 inform v. to communicate data to; to tell; to brief; to notify
1221 instructor n. educator; teacher; trainer
1222 coordinate v. to arrange in proper order
1223 sale n. commercial transaction; instance of offering goods at a reduced price; demand for merchandise; auction
1224 pretend v. to impersonate; to act in a role; to claim; to assert
1225 occupation n. act of forcefully taking possession of an area; seizure; conquest; possession or settlement of land
1226 irritate v. to annoy; to bother; to aggravate; to anger
1227 stay v. to visit; to spend time in a place; to remain temporarily; to lodge
1228 complex n. compound; various objects that for m a unit
1229 grasp n. hold; understanding; knowledge; realization
1230 conscientious adj. careful; wanting to do what is right
1231 crowded adj. full; packed; crammed together
1232 internal adj. inner; inside; located within; of a country's domestic affairs
1233 repeat adj. done over again
1234 entire adj. whole; including every part; complete; full
1235 measurable adj. estimable; determinable; assessable
1236 smart adj. intelligent; clever; shrewd; lively; fashionable; stylish
1237 respect v. to honor; to admire; to esteem; to hold in high regard
1238 conventional adj. customary; routine; formal
1239 reasonable adj. rational; logical; intelligent; wise; plausible; likely; credible
1240 stock adj. available on a regular basis; employed to handle merchandise or goods
1241 offender n. transgressor; person who breaks the law; one who insults
1242 dash n. hyphen; drop; pinch; rush; sprint
1243 incline n. slope; grade; slant
1244 apartment n. flat
1245 collaboration n. working together; cooperation
1246 intent n. plan; goal; aim; objective; meaning
1247 object n. article, thing; goal; focus of a thought or action
1248 century n. period of one hundred years
1249 drop n. small globule of liquid; drip; very small amount; pendant
1250 monitor n. supervisor; device for regulating; screen
1251 discount v. to reduce the price of; to mark down; to ignore
1252 look into v. to investigate
1253 assist v. to aid; to help; to support; to guide; to direct
1254 assort v. to classify; to categorize; to systematize; to structure
1255 rank v. to arrange in a line; to grade; to classify
1256 reiterate v. to repeat; to say again; to restate
1257 treasure v. to put away for future use
1258 spend v. to expend; to disburse; to put out (money, resources, etc.)
1259 decide v. to choose; to select from several options; to conclude; to resolve
1260 facilitate v. to make easy; to assist; to forward; to promote; to expedite
1261 occupied adj. conquered; seized; filled; taken up; inhabited; populated
1262 ostensibly adv. apparently; seemingly; to all appearances
1263 certain adj. sure; definite; particular; specific
1264 approximately adv. nearly; about; around; circa
1265 enter v. to go into; to join; to record; to inscribe
1266 idle v. to lounge; to do nothing; to laze around
1267 drill v. to bore a hole; to practice; to train; to sow seeds in rows
1268 steadfast adj. loyal; faithful; unchanging
1269 exhibit v. to show; to display; to demonstrate; to present
1270 neglect n. disregard; inattention; forgetfulness; abandonment
1271 anxious adj. fearful; worried; worrisome; eager; keen
1272 unjudged adj. objective
1273 placid adj. serene; quiet; peaceful; tranquil; relaxed; calm
1274 concrete adj. tangible; real; substantial; solid
1275 unsanitary adj. not healthful; not clean
1276 possible adj. could be; might be; may be
1277 original adj. first; primary; innovative; creative; novel
1278 final adj. at the end; last; ultimate; decisive; conclusive; definitive
1279 kind adj. gentle; good-hearted; understanding; compassionate
1280 maternal adj. motherly; related through a mother; relating to or characteristic of a mother or motherhood
1281 negligence n. neglect; disregard; carelessness; failure to provide the necessary provision for (Law)
1282 part-time n. period; era; hour; rate
1283 debris n. rubble; ruins; wreckage; fragments
1284 continuity n. stability; consistency; continuousness; unbroken succession
1285 lifestyle n. way of life
1286 entertainer n. host; performer; comedian
1287 bound n. limit; border
1288 credit n. money (in a bank account); trust; confidence; respect
1289 candidate n. applicant; nominee; examinee
1290 prime n. state of perfection; state of highest quality
1291 corner v. to hold at bay; to gain advantage on the market; to approach; to catch; to trap
1292 publicize v. to advertise; to bring to the attention of a large audience
1293 oversee v. to supervise; to manage; to inspect
1294 broker v. to act as a middleman; to buy and to sell property for other people
1295 talkative adj. chatty; loquacious
1296 hire v. to lease; to rent; to employ
1297 case v. to pack; to crate; to box
1298 tailor v. to create or adapt for a particular need or desire
1299 mistake v. to make an error; to be wrong; to confuse
1300 advise v. to counsel; to offer guidance; to notify; to inform