TOEIC คำที่ 1301 - 1400

1301 nevertheless adv. anyway; anyhow; still; all the same
1302 previous adj. earlier; antecedent; hasty; premature
1303 reward v. to recompense someone for a service
1304 equality n. sameness; uniformity
1305 certainly adv. of course; surely; doubtlessly; definitely; absolutely
1306 sternly adv. strictly; firmly
1307 posture v. to pretend; to feign
1308 overlap v. to cover a part of; to have something in common
1309 schedule n. timetable; agenda; itinerary; plan
1310 slander v. to make false and injurious statements about another; to defame; to vilify; to malign
1311 yearly adj. occurring once within 12 months
1312 sensitive adj. having the capacity for feeling; susceptible to external influences or agents
1313 imperative adj. necessary; obligatory; commanding
1314 upcoming adj. about to happen; imminent
1315 fueled adj. filled with petrol, gas or another substance that produces energy
1316 effusive adj. overflowing; unreserved; unrestrained; exuberant
1317 equal adj. same; identical; able; capable
1318 equivalent adj. same in worth or value; same in importance; corresponding
1319 likely adj. reasonable; probable; possible; appropriate; promising
1320 forward adj. advanced; ahead; ready; brash; of the future; progressive
1321 launch n. act of sending out; act of starting or initiating; commencement; inauguration
1322 capitalization n. process of turning money into profit
1323 host n. person who receives guests; large number; multitude (of people or things)
1324 parameter n. variable which determines the form of a function
1325 danger n. risk; peril; hazard
1326 retirement n. withdrawal from one's job or occupation
1327 transfer n. exchange; conveying something from one person to another
1328 device n. apparatus; appliance; gadget; trick; scheme
1329 style n. manner; way; fashion; chic; vogue
1330 fear n. fright; horror; concern; terror
1331 inventory v. to make a detailed list of property; to summarize; to sum up the worth of
1332 schedule v. to create a timetable; to enter into a timetable; to plan for a certain date
1333 secure v. to obtain; to protect; to defend; to strengthen
1334 invite v. to request the presence of; to solicit; to attract; to encourage; to promote
1335 relate v. to narrate; to tell; to make a connection between; to have a good relationship with
1336 book v. to record; to order in advance; to inscribe; to indicate
1337 invest v. to expend money or effort for future benefits; to grant; to install; to cover; to authorize
1338 negotiate v. to bargain; to deal; to work out; to compromise; to clear or pass an obstacle
1339 drive v. to travel in a car; to transport in a vehicle; to compel
1340 elucidate v. to explain; to clarify; to describe; to depict
1341 embrace n. hug; act of wrapping one's arms around another person or thing
1342 brake v. to stop a vehicle; to slow down a vehicle
1343 engineer v. to design; to plan (i.e. machinery, roads, etc.)
1344 complain v. to find fault; to express displeasure; to protest
1345 merge v. to blend; to be blended; to combine or unite into a single body; to be assimilated
1346 terrible adj. awful
1347 imply v. to suggest indirectly; to hint; to infer; to mean; to import
1348 provision n. supply; stock; measure; means; condition; stipulation
1349 operation n. working, performance, handling; venture, undertaking; series of actions
1350 expert n. person skilled in a particular area; specialist
1351 civic adj. pertaining to a city; pertaining to citizenship
1352 level adj. straight; equal; even; honest
1353 outdoor adj. of nature
1354 slantwise adj. sloping; inclined
1355 annual adj. occurring once a year; yearly
1356 flawless adj. perfect; impeccable
1357 several adj. some; few; separate; distinct; individual; various
1358 contemporary adj. modern; current
1359 earnest adj. serious; sober; sincere; fervent; eager
1360 mental adj. of or relating to the mind; intellectual; psychosocial
1361 brief n. abstract; summary; concise report; instructions
1362 administration n. management; supervisors; leadership
1363 vessel n. large craft made for navigation on water; boat; ship; container
1364 capex n. refers to the cost of developing a product or system
1365 diary n. written account of daily events and occurrences; journal; daily calendar; log book; blog
1366 honesty n. truthfulness; sincerity; integrity; frankness
1367 canvass n. examination; careful inspection; debate
1368 benefit n. advantage; profit; aid; stipend
1369 coalition n. alliance; union; agreement
1370 system n. combination of related things or parts that form a complex whole
1371 resolve v. to determine; to decide; to separate into constituent parts
1372 owe v. to be indebted to; to be under obligation to pay or repay
1373 lumber v. to move heavily or awkwardly; to accumulate; to collect
1374 respond v. to answer; to reply; to react
1375 poll v. to vote; to elect; to count votes; to make a survey
1376 position v. to erect; to set; to put; to place
1377 disrupt v. to upset; to disturb; to divide
1378 exaggerate v. to overstate; to make something seem greater or more important than it really is
1379 alert v. to warn; to put on standby; to alarm
1380 bulk v. to inflate; to play an important role
1381 major adj. more important than others; great; serious
1382 debate v. to argue; to discuss; to consider; to ponder
1383 assistant adj. serving as an aide; helpful; supportive; auxiliary
1384 impulse n. instinctual urge; sudden desire; whim; wave of energy sent via a nerve
1385 renowned adj. famous; prominent
1386 encroach v. to advance beyond proper limits; to infringe
1387 diversify v. to make different; to invest one's assets in various securities
1388 frank v. to deliver without charge
1389 precise adj. exact; not more and not less; meticulous; strict
1390 objective adj. impartial; unbiased; existing outside of the mind
1391 appealing adj. begging; attractive; interesting
1392 set adj. fixed; arranged; prepared; resolute; firmly resolved; determined in advance
1393 genuine adj. original; real; true; natural; honest; sincere
1394 congruent adj. identical; corresponding; in agreement; harmonious
1395 delicious adj. tasty; having a pleasant taste or smell
1396 various adj. assorted; different; individual; several
1397 superb adj. excellent; wonderful; splendid; magnificent
1398 simple adj. easy; uncomplicated; modest; ordinary; plain
1399 subsidiary adj. supplementary; auxiliary; secondary; lesser in importance
1400 second adj. next after the first; alternate; other; additional; subordinate; having a lower rank