6. make

  1.  Have you got any comment to make about that?
  2. ...the use of small amounts of nitrogen in making certain steels.
  3. Isn't it time we made a move?
  4. Decision-making is an art.
  5. Attempts were made where resources were available.
  6. The government have made up their minds that they're going to win.
  7. Sir Michael has made it very clear indeed.
  8. No effort is made to cater for the needs of the elderly.
  9. Old age is sickness only if one makes it so.
  10. I think I made the wrong decision.
  11. This scene makes one realize how deeply this community has been afflicted.
  12. Did you make these yourself?
  13. I changed the plan and made the talks open to everyone over twelve.
  14. Who made the bed in the room upstairs?
  15. Make your own decisions.
  16. It hasn't made any difference.
  17. We've made little progress.
  18. Numerous attempts have been made to obscure this fact.
  19. Very many women have made their mark on industry.
  20. He made me feel like a complete idiot.
  21. Nobody must get in here and make a thundering nuisance of themselves.
  22. The plastic has to be compatible with the body tissues that make contact with it.
  23. He made several important discoveries. The most interesting of these came from an examination of an old manuscript.
  24. It made her seem less like another of Theodore's possessions.
  25. ...the little things that made life slightly less intolerable.
  26. If it will make you any happier, I'll shave off my beard.
  27. I make a lot of mistakes.
  28. There is a third factor besides farming and herding in the spread of man-made desert: deforestation.
  29. It's easy to make friends because you're with people of your own age.
  30. Over 120,000 Ugandans have made this journey.
  31. I make notes in the back of my diary of things to be mended or replaced.
  32. ...dresses made of paper.
  33. She made a signal.
  34. She made a remark about the weather.
  35. The newspaper had made disparaging remarks about his wife.
  36. We have made progress in both science and art.
  37. Benn made a sincere personal appeal to the Committee.
  38. He made the shortest speech I've ever heard.
  39. She made a number of relevant points.
  40. Work experience allows students to make more effective career decisions.
  41. Try not to make so much noise.
  42. The cricketers made a public protest against apartheid.
  43. You made the right decision.
  44. She made a remark about the weather.
  45. Now and then she makes a comment on something.
  46. I haven't made a full confession sir.
  47. I'll make some enquiries for you.
  48. I made a secret signal to him.
  49. McEnroe was desperate to make one last big effort to win Wimbledon again.
  50. He made an attempt to calm down.
  51. It was put to him that he was making a serious charge against Mrs Thatcher.
  52. They agreed to make a few minor changes.
  53. The lights made me sleepy.
  54. He'll make a good president.
  55. Wood made up 65% of the Congo's exports.
  56. Willie's jokes made her uneasy.
  57. He said waltzes made him dizzy.
  58. In 1910 Asquith made him a junior minister.
  59. More and more people are coming to appreciate the contribution which Muslims make to our society.
  60. My father made me go for the interview.
  61. `Will you have your whisky, or do you want dinner straight away?'*`Whisky. Make it a large one.'
  62. Why make a point of it?
  63. Imagine, for example, an assembly line worker in a factory making children's blocks.
  64. Neither of them was making any sound.
  65. The estimated sales will hardly cover the cost of making the film.
  66. He too seldom makes the first greeting.
  67. Ought you to make some notes about it?
  68. `You'll make a lot of money.'*`I shall one day.'
  69. Computer interviewing and rudimentary computer diagnosis must eventually lead to computer decision-making.
  70. Could you make out her bill, please?
  71. Martin, could you make us a drink?
  72. I shall make some enquiries and call you back.
  73. I won't leave you. You can't make me!
  74. Mr Smith will have to make the funeral arrangements.
  75. People who come in with enquiries are often very shy about making them.
  76. I've made some poor decisions lately, but I'm feeling much better now.
  77. Up till now, the most extraordinary remark I remember was made by you.
  78. Eileen was accompanying her father to visit friends made on a camping trip the year before.
  79. ...the mistakes which women make most frequently.
  80. They had a long-standing commitment to making a weekly cash payment to mothers.
  81. They can go on making losses, year after year, without fearing that they will go bust.
  82. That coat must have cost you more than I make in a year.
  83. Thomas made an appointment to see him immediately.
  84. Never in history had technology made such spectacular advances.
  85. Border could hardly make himself heard above the din.
  86. ...making the pay system more directly related to performance.
  87. I went into the kitchen and began to make the dinner.
  88. I made it there astride one of these courageous little donkeys.
  89. Simon wondered if he should make conversation.
  90. They will think we are making a fuss.
  91. He told funny stories and made everyone laugh.
  92. The decision to go had not been an easy one to make.
  93. He expressed the opinion that Kitchener should be made War Minister.
  94. The fact is that a happy person makes a better worker.
  95. They make allegations which, when you analyse them, do not have too many facts behind them.
  96. It's been making money ever since it opened.
  97. If the lawyer made a long, oratorical speech, the client was happy whether he won or lost.
  98. A great storm had brought the sea right into the house, so that they had been forced to make their escape by a window at the back.
  99. We have to make it work in the way that we want it to.
  100. Her pink dress and her frilly umbrella made her look as though she had come to a garden party.
  101. She shook as if she were crying, but she made no sound.
  102. ...the man that made it.
  103. At one point I made up my mind to go and talk to Uncle Sam. Then I changed my mind, realising that he could do nothing to help.
  104. The legal position for both worker and employer is now as fair as the law can make it.
  105. Because the medicine is both expensive and in great demand, huge profits can be made.
  106. Outsiders aren't supposed to make those kinds of jokes.
  107. There might be an uncomfortable moment or two when Gwen learned of his intention, but she was not the kind to make a fuss. In any event, he could handle the situation, which would not be a new one.
  108. We accept that thought is a common property of the human race. But we cannot make the same assumption about machines.
  109. It makes a click like the lid of a tin may do.
  110. All she ever does is make jam.
  111. He found it hard to make friends.
  112. There comes a time when you have to make a choice.
  113. Actually, I do know why he made the solicitors write that letter.
  114. It had always been felt that foster parents should make no profit*the job should be done for love alone.
  115. Oh, he wants us to make films as well, does he?