ดิก Oxford เพิ่มศัพท์ใหม่ 1000 คำ



ผมเพิ่งอ่านเจอว่าเมื่อ 27 August 2015 ดิก Oxford เพิ่มคำศัพท์ใหม่ ประมาณ 1000 คำ คลิก 

ผมยังไม่ได้ศึกษาอะไรมากมายครับ แต่ได้นำศัพท์บางคำที่เพิ่มมาแปะให้ท่านดูข้างล่างนี้

++ ลิงก์ที่มา

  • awesomesauce, adj.: (US informal) extremely good; excellent
  • bants (also bantz), n.: (Brit. informal) playfully teasing or mocking remarks exchanged with another person or group; banter
  • barbacoa, n.: (in Mexican cooking) beef, lamb, or other meat that has slowly been cooked with seasonings, typically shredded as a filling in tacos, burritos, etc.
  • beer o’clock, n: an appropriate time of day for starting to drink beer
  • blockchain, n.a digital ledger in which transactions made in bitcoin or another cryptocurrency are recorded chronologically and publicly
  • brain fart, n.: (informal) a temporary mental lapse or failure to reason correctly
  • Brexit, n.: a term for the potential or hypothetical departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union
  • bruh, n: (US informal) a male friend (often used as a form of address)
  • butt dial, v.: (US informal) inadvertently call (someone) on a mobile phone in one’s rear trouser pocket
  • butthurt, adj.: (US informal) overly or unjustifiably offended or resentful
  • cakeage,n.: (informal) a charge made by a restaurant for serving a cake they have not supplied themselves
  • cat cafe, n.: a café or similar establishment where people pay to interact with cats housed on the premises
  • cupcakery, n.: a bakery that specializes in cupcakes
  • deradicalization, n.: the action or process of causing a person with extreme views to adopt more moderate positions on political or social issues
  • fast-casual, adj.: denoting or relating to a type of high-quality self-service restaurant offering dishes that are prepared to order and more expensive than those available in a typical fast-food restaurant
  • fatberg, n.: a very large mass of solid waste in a sewerage system, consisting especially of congealed fat and personal hygiene products that have been flushed down toilets
  • fat-shame, v.: cause (someone judged to be fat or overweight) to feel humiliated by making mocking or critical comments about their size
  • freekeh, n.: a cereal food made from unripened wheat that has been roasted and crushed into small pieces, used especially in Middle Eastern cookery
  • fur baby, n.: a person’s dog, cat, or other furry pet animal
  • glanceable, adj.: denoting or relating to information, especially as displayed on an electronic screen, that can be read or understood very quickly and easily
  • Grexit, n.: a term for the potential withdrawal of Greece from the eurozone (the economic region formed by those countries in the European Union that use the euro as their national currency)
  • hangry, adj.: (informal) bad-tempered or irritable as a result of hunger
  • kayfabe, n.: (US informal) (in professional wrestling) the fact or convention of presenting staged performances as genuine or authentic
  • MacGyver, v.: (US informal) make or repair (an object) in an improvised or inventive way, making use of whatever items are at hand
  • manic pixie dream girl, n.: (especially in film) a type of female character depicted as vivacious and appealingly quirky, whose main purpose within the narrative is to inspire a greater appreciation for life in a male protagonist
  • manspreading, n.: the practice whereby a man, especially one travelling on public transport, adopts a sitting position with his legs wide apart, in such a way as to encroach on an adjacent seat or seats
  • matcha, n.: powdered green tea leaves, dissolved in hot water to make tea or used as a flavouring
  • mecha, n.: (in anime, manga, etc.) a large armoured robot, typically controlled by a person riding inside the robot itself
  • meeple, n.: a small figure used as a playing piece in certain board games, having a stylized human form
  • mic drop, n.: (informal, chiefly US) an instance of deliberately dropping or tossing aside one’s microphone at the end of a performance or speech one considers to have been particularly impressive
  • microaggression, n.: a statement, action, or incident regarded as an instance of indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized group such as a racial or ethnic minority
  • mkay, excl.: (informal, chiefly US) non-standard spelling of OK, representing an informal pronunciation (typically used at the end of a statement to invite agreement, approval, or confirmation)
  • Mx, n.: a title used before a person’s surname or full name by those who wish to avoid specifying their gender or by those who prefer not to identify themselves as male or female
  • pocket dial, v.: inadvertently call (someone) on a mobile phone in one’s pocket, as a result of pressure being accidentally applied to a button or buttons on the phone
  • pwnage, n.: (informal) (especially in video gaming) the action or fact of utterly defeating an opponent or rival
  • rage-quit, v.: (informal) angrily abandon an activity or pursuit that has become frustrating, especially the playing of a video game
  • rando, n.: (informal) a person one does now know, especially one regarded as odd, suspicious, or engaging in socially inappropriate behaviour
  • Redditor, n.: a registered user of the website Reddit
  • skippable, adj.: (of a part or feature of something) able to be omitted or passed over so as to get to the next part or feature
  • social justice warrior, n.: (informal, derogatory) a person who expresses or promotes socially progressive views
  • snackable, adj.: (of online content) designed to be read, viewed, or otherwise engaged with briefly and easily
  • spear phishing, n.: the fraudulent practice of sending emails ostensibly from a known or trusted sender in order to induce targeted individuals to reveal confidential information
  • subreddit, n.: a forum dedicated to a specific topic on the website Reddit
  • swatting, n.: (US informal) the action or practice of making a hoax call to the emergency services in an attempt to bring about the dispatch of a large number of armed police officers to a particular address
  • weak sauce, n.: (US informal) something that is of a poor or disappointing standard or quality
  • wine o’clock, n.: an appropriate time of day for starting to drink wine