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ศัพท์ TOEIC Word List 1,200 คำ


•ศัพท์ TOEIC Word List 1,200 คำข้างล่างนี้ ผ่านการศึกษาวิจัยจนออกมาเป็น list ข้างล่างนี้

•ให้ท่านไฮไล์คำศัพท์ เช่น acceptance และ คลิก Definition เพื่อดูคำแปลไทยและประโยคตัวอย่าง

ศัพท์คำใดที่ไม่อยู่ในฐานข้อมูล English - Thai Dictionary  ก็จะโชว์ความหมายจาก English Cambridge Dictionary แทน

•ศัพท์ TOEIC นั้นมีประโยชน์ต่อคนทั่วไปแม้ไม่ได้เตรียมตัวเข้าสอบ TOEIC 


  TSL Word TSL Definition    
1 acceptance state of being okay with something or someone    
2 actress a female actor     
3 additionally furthermore, also    
4 advertiser someone who is selling something through media    
5 affordable not expensive, one is able to pay easily    
6 afterward after an event or action    
7 anyhow anyway, besides    
8 anytime at a time you choose, it's not important when    
9 artistic to be creative, good at art    
10 baggage travel bags    
11 banker someone who works for the bank    
12 beginner to be new at something    
13 booklet a small book, leaflet, or brochure    
14 born brought to life    
15 bye opposite of 'hello'    
16 caller the person that is phoning you    
17 careless to do something with little care or attention    
18 carrier a person or thing that carries something    
19 cleaner someone who cleans  for a living    
20 cleanliness state of being not dirty, clean    
21 collector someone who buys and keeps old things    
22 colorful having many different colors    
23 comfortably to do something easily    
24 completion the end, the finishing point    
25 cooler a box (filled with ice) that keeps drinks cold    
26 costly to be expensive, to be of a high price    
27 dealership a business that can buy and sell certain things    
28 definite for certain, exact    
29 delicious to taste good    
30 dependable reliable, trustworthy    
31 dislike to not like, hate    
32 enjoyable not boring, fun    
33 explanatory  to explain or make clear    
34 finalize to make final    
35 fitness the state of being healthy    
36 flyer brochure, leaflet    
37 fortunately happily, luckily    
38 gardener a person who works with plants and flowers for a living    
39 generalization an idea that is true most of the time but not all of the time    
40 heater something that warms a room    
41 homeless to be without a place to live     
42 honestly really, truly    
43 hourly happens every 60 minutes    
44 hungry in need of food, needing to eat    
45 icy made of ice    
46 incomplete not yet finished    
47 indoor inside a house or building    
48 inexpensive having a low price; cheap    
49 inexperience to not have much practice with something    
50 internet the information highway, the worldwide web    
51 lately recently    
52 locally in a specific area    
53 loudly in a manner that is not quiet    
54 machinery tools, equipment    
55 managerial to do with management or supervision    
56 meaningful to have a meaning or purpose    
57 mileage distance travelled in miles    
58 mislead to lead someone in the wrong direction or give someone wrong directions  
59 mister a form of address for a man      
60 nationwide all across the country    
61 neat tidy, clean    
62 noisy too loud    
63 outdoor outside in the open air    
64 painter an artist who paints      
65 partial to be a part of something whole    
66 partially In part; in some degree; not wholly    
67 payable an amount of money due    
68 photographer someone who takes pictures for a living      
69 photography the art of taking pictures    
70 placement the act of placing someone in a job or the location of something    
71 planner a person who makes plans      
72 poorly Badly; not enough; not sufficient    
73 postage the charge for mailing something      
74 postal of or relating to the system for delivering mail    
75 pottery earthenware, stoneware, ceramics    
76 presenter a person who shows and explains something to an audience    
77 probable possible, but not certain to be or become true or real    
78 programmer a person who designs and writes and tests computer programs      
79 protective to want to keep safe    
80 quarterly every 4 months    
81 rainy water from the clouds, wet or showery    
82 realistic to be reasonable or be close to real life    
83 reconsider to think something over again    
84 renew to make something new again    
85 renewal the act of making something new again    
86 rental the act of paying for the use of something (as an apartment or house or car)    
87 reopen to open again    
88 rewrite to write again differently    
89 rider someone who uses an animal or a bicycle or motorcycle for transport  
90 rose a red flower used to show love    
91 runner someone who travels on foot by running      
92 safely in a way that is not dangerous     
93 seller someone who promotes or exchanges goods or services for money    
94 sender someone who transmits a message    
95 shipment delivery of goods, e.g. carried by a large vehicle    
96 shopper someone who buys things in a store    
97 shortage a lack of something     
98 shorten to make smaller in length    
99 simplify make easier to understand    
100 sleepy tired, ready for bed    
101 snowy cold weather with snow falling    
102 sometime at some unknown point in time    
103 spacious lots of room or space    
104 specially in particular    
105 specialty something you are very good at    
106 sticker a label with glue on the back    
107 sunny a day with no clouds or rain just sunshine    
108 sunshine the warmth and light of the sun    
109 tablecloth a cover for a table    
110 taker someone who does not give but only takes    
111 tasty delicious    
112 thirsty in need of water    
113 timely to happen at the right time or good time    
114 timer something that counts seconds and minutes    
115 trainee someone who is learning on the job     
116 trainer one who teaches a person or animal to do something    
117 traveler a tourist or adventurer who visits many countries    
118 uncomfortable not pleased or happy with a situation or thing    
119 unemployed having no job    
120 unexpected to be a surprise    
121 unhappy feeling little or no joy    
122 unload to remove something (usually from a truck)    
123 unnecessary not needed    
124 unpaid working for no money    
125 unreal not true to life    
126 unsure not certain or sure    
127 unused not yet put into use    
128 unusually not normal or usual    
129 whoever anyone who    
130 willingness being happy to do something    
131 windy weather that is stormy or gusty    
132 yearly happening every 12 months    
133 accent special manner of oral expression    
134 accessible available, easy to reach    
135 accordingly therefore, so    
136 actively in a way that takes effort and action    
137 adapter something that connects to something to make it usable    
138 advisable something one should do, or is good to do    
139 advisor someone who gives an opinion on what to do    
140 advisory related to giving advice or an opinion on what to do    
141 amuse to entertain    
142 announcer someone who gives a message publicly      
143 annoy to bother or irritate    
144 apple a type of fruit from trees that is green, red, or yellow    
145 appreciation to show thanks for something or someone    
146 asleep not awake, in sleep    
147 assurance certainty or full confidence    
148 attendant someone who waits on or tends to the needs of another      
149 attendee someone present (at a meeting or event)    
150 authority the power to give orders and make decisions    
151 automatic done without thinking    
152 availability Being present and able to be used    
153 bake to cook things inside the oven    
154 baker someone who bakes for a living     
155 bakery a place where baked goods (breads and cakes and pastries) are made and sold  
156 basket a container made of pieces of wood    
157 battery something that produces electric energy    
158 bean a long thin green vegetable    
159 blanket a large piece of cloth used to cover someone or something    
160 brake to stop a vehicle by pressing a pedal    
161 broaden to widen     
162 bug an insect    
163 butter a kind of soft spread for bread, made from cow's milk    
164 cage a box-like crate usually made of steel    
165 calculation to add, subtract, multiply, divide etc.     
166 calculator a device that does math for you    
167 captain the person in charge of a ship or airplane    
168 cart a wagon or truck used to for transport    
169 casual uncertain, unplanned    
170 ceiling the thing that covers the room up high    
171 centimeter a form of measurement,  e.g. there are 100 cm in a meter    
172 cheer to cheer on, shout encouragement    
173 clip to cut short, snip    
174 cloth a piece of thin material    
175 cloudy weather where the sky is filled with clouds    
176 clue a hint, a tip    
177 commerce trade, business, industry     
178 commonly frequently, usually    
179 complication the act of making something more difficult    
180 conditioner shampoo-like substance used after washing hair    
181 container something that holds things    
182 contractor a builder    
183 copier a machine that makes paper copies    
184 correction the act of making something right    
185 correctly to do something the right way    
186 creativity the state of having talent and imagination    
187 deck like a patio or terrace    
188 decorate make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.    
189 decoration the act of decorating something (in the hope of making it more attractive)    
190 departmental to do with a specific area or unit in an organization    
191 desirable worth having or wanting    
192 desperate to be in urgent need of something    
193 developer someone who designs and builds properties    
194 dine have supper; eat dinner    
195 diner a small, informal restaurant    
196 directory an alphabetical list of names and addresses      
197 disappointment what is felt when someone does not fulfill your expectations    
198 disgust strong feelings of dislike      
199 dive jump in or swim under water    
200 drawer a sliding compartment you keep things in    
201 drum a musical instrument you hit with wooden sticks    
202 economical of good value    
203 economically related to use of income and money    
204 economist an expert in the science of economics      
205 economize to save money, avoid waste    
206 editorial a newspaper article written by the editor    
207 electrical to do with electricity    
208 electrician a person who installs or repairs electrical or telephone lines      
209 elephant a large animal with a long trunk and big ears found in Africa and Asia  
210 energetic to be lively, full of energy    
211 engagement the act of participating in something    
212 environmentally related to natural surroundings    
213 equip provide with abilities or tools    
214 excellence the state of being very, very good    
215 familiarity the state of being used to, or comfortable with something    
216 familiarize to get to know better    
217 faulty broken, not perfect    
218 favorable to be seen as good or positive    
219 frustrate to upset someone    
220 fry to cook in a pan    
221 garage a place where you keep your car    
222 grocery a place that sells food items    
223 guidance the act of showing the way     
224 handy useful    
225 harmful damaging, hurtful    
226 hesitation the act of pausing uncertainly    
227 hobby something you do in your spare time for fun    
228 identification a document that shows who a person is,  e.g. passport, driver's licence  
229 indicator a signal or a warning    
230 individually apart from others    
231 influential powerful    
232 inspect look over carefully    
233 inspection a formal or official examination of something    
234 inspector a high ranking police officer      
235 instruct to teach    
236 instructor someon who teaches for a living    
237 intently concentrate closely    
238 interrupt to stop something or someone in the middle of something    
239 introductory something that comes before the main event, e.g. introductory speech  
240 invaluable to be of great worth    
241 irregular occuring at unexpected times    
242 jam push down hard    
243 jeans pants made from denim    
244 juice the natural liquid from a plant or fruit    
245 junior younger, lower in rank    
246 kilometer a metric unit of length equal to 1000 meters    
247 knowledgeable to know much about a topic    
248 lab where you do experiments    
249 lamp an artificial source of light     
250 lane a narrow road    
251 lawn the grassy area in your garden    
252 lengthy long in time or size    
253 librarian a person who works with books in a library    
254 lighter not as heavy as    
255 lightweight someone or something that is not heavy     
256 mask something that covers your face    
257 memorize to learn and remember things    
258 microwave kitchen appliance that cooks food quickly    
259 mower machine used to cut grass    
260 nail a long, thin piece of metal used to hold pieces of wood together banged in with a hammer  
261 occurrence something that happens    
262 officially done by the government or office in charge    
263 operational in working order    
264 optional a choice, something you do not have to do    
265 organizational to do with planning and managing     
266 organizer someone who plans things for a living    
267 oven kitchen appliance used for baking or roasting      
268 pan a flat, round cooking container used for frying    
269 performer an entertainer  like an actor or a singer    
270 periodical a magazine made and available on a regular basis    
271 periodically every so often, at regular times    
272 pet an animal you keep in the house to play with    
273 pie round, covered pastrywith a filling like cherry or apple     
274 plug to fill in a hole    
275 polish to make something shine with a cloth    
276 polite being kind to others    
277 pollute to make the environment dirty    
278 popularity the state of being liked by many people    
279 productive useful or worthwhile, e.g. a productive meeting    
280 productivity the amount of work done    
281 professionally to do with your work or job    
282 projection a guess about future events, e.g. sales or income    
283 provider someone who takes care of others with money, food, home    
284 purchaser someone who buys things; buyer    
285 quit to stop doing something    
286 ray a beam of light from the sun    
287 rearrange to put into a new order     
288 reassure to make someone feel certain of something    
289 recipe directions for baking or cooking something      
290 redecorate to redo the inside of a house with new colors and furniture    
291 referral the recommendation of someone or something    
292 refrigerator an electric box that cools food    
293 relaxation the act of resting     
294 reliability the state of being trustworthy    
295 relocate to move to a new location    
296 relocation the act of moving something to a new location    
297 reminder something that makes you remember something    
298 removal to take away and put in another place    
299 repeatedly many times    
300 repetition to do something over and over again    
301 replacement to put something/someone in place of something/someone else    
302 reschedule to set a new time for something    
303 reservation to put something on hold for use later, e.g. car, hotel room    
304 salad food made of mainly leaves or lettuce and vegetables    
305 sandwich two pieces of bread with a filling inside, e.g. meat or jam    
306 scenery the view of natural surroundings    
307 seasonal happening at a certain time of the year only    
308 seeker someone looking for something     
309 separately to do things one at a time, not together    
310 sew to use a needle and thread    
311 similarity the state of being almost the same    
312 smoothly to do something easily with no trouble    
313 sock something you wear on your foot to keep you warm    
314 soup a liquid meal, usually hot    
315 specification a special detail or necessity for something    
316 spray to send tiny drops of liquid into the air    
317 steadily in a slow and even manner    
318 steak a big piece of meat or fish    
319 suspicious the feeling that something is not right    
320 tech short form of the word 'technology'    
321 tempt to try to get someone to do something they should not    
322 tomato a round red fruit, usually thought of as a vegetable    
323 toner the ink in the computer or printer    
324 towel a big cloth used for drying after a shower or swim    
325 traditionally to do things the way they used to be done    
326 tray a flat plate used to carry things, usually coffee or tea    
327 unattended when someone or something is not being watched    
328 unavailable not ready for use    
329 unfamiliar not well known    
330 unlimited without end    
331 unpleasant not nice, not comfortable    
332 unplug to pull out an electrical cord from its socket    
333 unreliable not trustworthy    
334 wisely to do something that is the right thing to do    
335 wool the fur of sheep    
336 absorb to take in or soak up    
337 accommodate to give something that is needed    
338 accomplishment something you achieve    
339 accumulate to slowly get more and more of something, e.g. wealth    
340 accuracy the state of being exact and correct    
341 accurately when something is done correctly    
342 administrative to do with the management of an office    
343 administrator the person who manages an office    
344 admission entrance into something    
345 affirmative positive, meaning 'yes'    
346 alert wide awake, aware    
347 allocate to assign (usually people or money) to something    
348 alternatively another option    
349 annually every 12 months    
350 apology saying you are sorry for something    
351 approximate to give a general number as a guess    
352 architect someone who designs buildings    
353 architectural to do with the design of buildings    
354 aspect a part or a feature     
355 assemble to gather people together    
356 assembly when people are gathered together    
357 assignment a project or task    
358 athletic to do with sports    
359 audit to check something is correct, usually related to accounts in business  
360 auditor a person who checks to make sure things are correct    
361 authorization the permission given to do something    
362 authorize to give permission for something    
363 bacteria small microbes that often make you sick    
364 bargain a good deal, a good price    
365 bench a long, usually wooden, seat found mainly in parks    
366 cabinet a piece of furniture with shelves to store things    
367 cancellation when something is not going to happen after all    
368 candidate a person being considered for a job or position in office    
369 chairperson the person in charge of a meeting    
370 chilly when the weather is cold and causing you to shiver    
371 circuit a set path you move along    
372 circulate to move around in a circle    
373 circulation to distribute in a wide area, e.g. newspaper     
374 clarify to explain or make clear    
375 client someone who pays for a service    
376 clinic a place you go when sick, like a mini-hospital    
377 collaboration the act of working together    
378 compensate to give money for a service    
379 conductor a person who leads    
380 conference an event where people exchange ideas    
381 confirmation something that verifies something is true    
382 consent to give permission    
383 considerably to a large degree    
384 consistently doing something the same way every time    
385 consultation a meeting between two people    
386 consumption the act of eating    
387 contestant someone who is part of a contest    
388 continental to do with the mainland    
389 contradict to say the opposite of    
390 contradiction the opposite of something    
391 convey to give a message to someone    
392 cooperate to work together nicely    
393 coordinate to organize or manage    
394 coordinator someone whose job is to organize things     
395 correspondence communication by letter    
396 counselor someone who helps people with problems for a living    
397 criteria details used to make a decision    
398 cruise a long, relaxing holiday on a ship    
399 dedication the act of being faithful to someone or something    
400 delegate to give others tasks to do    
401 descriptive something that tells you more about it    
402 designate to name or select someone for something    
403 devastate to destroy completely    
404 disable to make something not work    
405 disagreement the act of having a difference of opinion    
406 disposal the act of getting rid of something    
407 dispose to get rid of something    
408 disrupt to interrupt and cause chaos    
409 disruption the act of interrupting and causing chaos    
410 distribution the act of circulating things in a wide area    
411 distributor someone who sells or sends things to different areas    
412 documentation the act of showing proof in writing    
413 donate to give money to a cause or charity    
414 donation the money that is given to a cause or charity    
415 dose the amount of medicine taken at one time    
416 drill to bore a hole into something    
417 eager to be excited to help or do something    
418 effectiveness the state of working properly or as expected    
419 efficiently to do something well in a little amount of time    
420 electronically to do something using electronics    
421 elevate to raise or make higher    
422 elevator a machine that takes people to different floors in a building    
423 enthusiasm the act of being excited about something    
424 enthusiast a person who is crazy about something, e.g. a sports enthusiast    
425 enthusiastic to show excitement for something    
426 enthusiastically to do something with excitement and energy    
427 evident to be clear or obvious    
428 exceptional beyond excellent    
429 excessive way too much of something    
430 exclusive only available to a certain group    
431 exclusively offered only to a certain group    
432 explorer a person who travels to unknown places     
433 fabric material, cloth    
434 facilitate to help or make easier    
435 faculty an instructor or professor at university    
436 flavor the taste of something, e.g. sweet, sour    
437 flexibility the ability to adapt or change easily    
438 formally officially    
439 foster to promote or bring about    
440 founder someone who starts a business or organization    
441 generous to give willingly and freely    
442 goods resources or things bought or sold    
443 graduation the ceremony upon finishing a degree or program    
444 graphic to do with a picture or image    
445 graphics images or pictures     
446 hazard something that is dangerous    
447 hazardous to be dangerous    
448 highway a major road connecting cities    
449 ideally in a perfect world    
450 illogical not making any sense, lack of reasoning    
451 impact the effect one thing makes on another    
452 inappropriate not suitable for use in a given situation    
453 inefficient not working well or quickly    
454 inflate to make bigger    
455 ingredient something listed in a recipe, e.g. flour, sugar    
456 inquire to ask about     
457 insert to put into or add into    
458 inspiration the thing or person that encourages you to do something    
459 installation the act of connecting or inputting something     
460 institute like a school or college    
461 insufficient not enough    
462 interactive to engage with others    
463 interfere to take part in something that is not your business    
464 internationally around the world    
465 interpreter someone who translates from one language to another    
466 invention the idea or creation of something new    
467 irrelevant not related to the topic, not important    
468 jet an airplane    
469 leak to drip water or other liquid    
470 lease to rent    
471 lecturer an instructor or professor    
472 lobby the main area of a hotel just inside the entrance    
473 logical to do with reason    
474 loyal to stay true or faithful    
475 loyalty the act of being faithful to someone or something    
476 mechanic a person who fixes machinery for a living    
477 mechanical to do with machines    
478 media related to different forms of communication, e.g. radio, TV, newspapers etc.  
479 merge to bring two things together to make one    
480 merger when one company buys another company to create one big company  
481 mild soft, gentle, not strong in nature    
482 modification a change made on something    
483 nominate to suggest someone for to do or be something    
484 nomination the state of being suggested for something    
485 obligate to have to do    
486 oblige to make someone have to do something    
487 obtain to get    
488 occupancy the state of living in a place    
489 occupant a person who lives in a place, e.g. renter, tenant    
490 occupation profession or job    
491 orientation something that makes you familiar with a place    
492 overlook to ignore, to not notice     
493 pad many sheets of paper glued together for writing    
494 pepper a strong spice (black or white)    
495 permanently for ever    
496 precede to happen before something else    
497 prediction a guess about the future    
498 profitable able to make money    
499 prohibit not allowed    
500 prominent important, significant    
501 promotional to do with encouraging sales    
502 promptly done right away, immediately    
503 prospective possible in the future, e.g. prospective client    
504 publish to print and distribute    
505 puzzle something you do not understand    
506 reception the act of greeting people    
507 receptionist someone who works at the front desk, e.g. secretary    
508 recession a less successful time in the economy    
509 recruiter a person who hires people for businesses    
510 recruitment the act of hiring people for businesses    
511 reinforce to make stronger    
512 relieve to take something away from someone    
513 reluctant not very willing to do something    
514 reproduce to make one or more copies of something    
515 resemble to look like, similar to    
516 residence the house or place you live    
517 residential an area where people live    
518 resignation to quit one's job    
519 respondent someone who replies to something    
520 resume to continue or start again    
521 retailer a store that sells something    
522 retreat to move back or withdraw from a place    
523 reviewer someone who checks written work    
524 revision to change or rewrite something    
525 revolutionize to make a new, big change in society    
526 rumor something said by people but not necessarily true    
527 satellite another branch of an office elsewhere    
528 sculpture a figure or statue    
529 shortly very soon    
530 silently in a quiet manner    
531 spill to accidentally empty a container, e.g. spill a glass of milk    
532 statistics math related to data collection     
533 strategic in a way carefully thought about    
534 strictly in a strong manner, in a manner that follows the rules    
535 subsidize to give financial help    
536 substantially a great deal, amount    
537 suburb living area outside the city    
538 superior the leader, someone higher than you in rank    
539 supervise to watch over and manage    
540 supervisor the person who is in charge    
541 tactic like a plan or scheme    
542 temporarily not for ever, for a short while    
543 thorough to be carefully and completely done, e.g. a thorough search    
544 thoroughly to do something carefully with attention to detail    
545 thrill excitement    
546 ton a measurement equalling 2000 pounds    
547 transaction an exchange between two people    
548 translation something that is changed into another language    
549 translator the person who changes something into another language    
550 transmission the message sent from one to another    
551 transmit to send a message to someone    
552 tremendous extraordinary or excellent    
553 tunnel a hole one can travel through    
554 unspecified not clearly marked or known    
555 urgent very important, needing attention now    
556 urgently to do something right away    
557 utility usefulness    
558 valid just, fair, right    
559 violate to break the rule or law    
560 violation the act of breaking a rule or law    
561 withdrawal the act of taking something away or out of something, e.g. bank withdrawal  
562 aboard on or in a moving vehicle, e.g. aboard the boat    
563 absent missing, not present    
564 accountant a person responsible for the money in a business    
565 accustom to get used to    
566 activate to start or begin something    
567 adhere to stay with or follow , e.g. adhere to rules    
568 adjacent next to, beside    
569 administer to manage an office    
570 alike similar, almost the same    
571 alternate another option    
572 amateur a beginner, not a professional, done for pleasure not for pay    
573 ambassador somebody who represents somehting, usually a country    
574 ambitious hard-working, wanting to achieve much    
575 anniversary a date to remember    
576 antique very old item, usually furniture or jewellery    
577 applicable relating to    
578 applicant a person who submits papers in order to do something, e.g. job applicant  
579 appraisal an evaluation     
580 archive a place where documents are kept for a long time    
581 attain to get or achieve    
582 attorney lawyer    
583 auction where things are sold to highest payer    
584 authentic real, not fake    
585 auto car    
586 automobile long name for 'car'    
587 await to wait for, or expect, something to happen    
588 balloon a colorful round object made of rubber that is filled with air    
589 bankrupt to have no more money    
590 bankruptcy the act of having no more money to pay bills    
591 baseball a sports game with a bat and ball    
592 basement the level under the ground floor    
593 behalf to speak or do something for someone else, e.g. on behalf of…    
594 beneficial good for you, positive effect    
595 bicycle a vehicle with two wheels and pedals     
596 biography someone's life story    
597 biology the study of nature    
598 bonus extra, usually in the form of money    
599 broker someone who buys and sells thing for a percentage of sales    
600 bulb the shape of a teardrop, e.g. light bulb    
601 bulk in big amount    
602 cab taxi    
603 cabin a small house in the forest    
604 calendar something you hang on the wall that has the months of the year on it  
605 campus place where university buildings are    
606 cargo the things carried in the hold of an airplane or on a truck    
607 cater to make and deliver food     
608 caterer the person who makes food and delivers it for a living    
609 caution a warning to be careful    
610 cautious to be careful    
611 celebrity someone famous    
612 certificate a piece of paper stating you did something    
613 certification written proof that you did something or that something is good enough  
614 certify to state something is real or correct    
615 chef a person who cooks for a living    
616 chemistry the study of chemicals    
617 chronic for a long time    
618 cinema a movie theatre    
619 classify to put into a category    
620 clerk someone who works at a counter    
621 click to press a button    
622 closure when something is closed for good    
623 commute to travel a long way to work and back    
624 commuter someone who travels a long way to work and back    
625 compact tightly packed in a small size    
626 compatible to go well with    
627 compile to collect or gather data    
628 compliance the act of obeying rules    
629 comply to obey a rule    
630 comprehension the act of understanding    
631 confidential something that needs to be kept secret    
632 conform to be like others    
633 congratulate to tell someone 'good job' on a happy occasion    
634 congratulation the act of congratulating    
635 contrary opposite to    
636 convenience the state of being easy    
637 convenient to be easy to do    
638 conveniently in a manner that is easy    
639 copyright when you cannot copy work    
640 cord electric cable    
641 cordless no electric cable needed    
642 costume something unusual you dress up in, e.g. for Hallowe'en    
643 courtesy a kindness to someone    
644 deadline when something must be finished    
645 deduct to minus or take away    
646 deduction the act of taking away, usually money    
647 defect something that is faulty    
648 defective when something is not working    
649 delicate need to handle with care    
650 depart to leave    
651 departure the act of leaving    
652 dependence the state of needing someone    
653 destination the place you want to be at the end of a journey    
654 detach to remove from something    
655 deteriorate to become worse in state    
656 diagnose to figure out what is wrong    
657 diagram a drawing explaining something    
658 dial to make a phone call by pressing the buttons    
659 diamond a very valuable gem    
660 discard to throw away    
661 dispatch to send out     
662 distract to take your focus away from something     
663 distraction the act of taking your focus away from something    
664 dividend money received as a bonus     
665 dock the place where boats get tied up    
666 documentary a film about a real life or event    
667 dull boring; not exciting    
668 duration how long something takes    
669 dynamic energetic    
670 elegant fine or beautiful    
671 eligible able to be chosen    
672 embassy the office of an ambassador    
673 enclose to surround fully    
674 enroll to register for something    
675 enrollment the act of registering for something    
676 entrepreneur a business person who starts companies    
677 escort to go with someone    
678 ethics morals or belief system    
679 evacuate to make people leave an area    
680 evenly in equal ways    
681 exemption an exception to the rule    
682 exit to leave    
683 exotic from another country    
684 expertise excellent knowledge on something    
685 fare the cost for a ride, e.g. bus, or taxi    
686 fax to send using a fax machine    
687 ferry a big boat that carries people and cars    
688 fiscal to do with money    
689 flaw something that is faulty in otherwise perfect person/thing    
690 fleet a group of ships travelling together    
691 flour white powder from wheat used in baking    
692 fog a cloud of white filled with small water droplets    
693 forbid to not allow    
694 fork eating utensil    
695 forum a place for open discussion    
696 franchise one of many branches of a business you buy, e.g.KFC    
697 furnish to put furniture in    
698 gallon a type of measurement equal to 3.78 liters    
699 generic general    
700 genre type of art, literature, or film, e.g. romance    
701 glove something you wear on your hand to keep warm    
702 gossip to talk about someone behind his/her back    
703 graph an image that shows data    
704 grill like a barbeque, something you cook on    
705 hardware tools or equipment    
706 helmet something you wear to protect your head    
707 hurricane a strong often deadly storm that begins over the water    
708 immigration the act of moving from one country to another for good    
709 impatient in a hurry, not calm    
710 inconvenience something that causes trouble or discomfort    
711 indirect not in a straight way    
712 infer to guess something with given information    
713 inference the act of guessing something with given information    
714 informal relaxed, casual - often used to describe clothes or an event    
715 ink liquid found in pens    
716 innovative to be creative and come up with new ideas    
717 integral very important, necessary as part of the whole thing    
718 irritate to bother    
719 jazz a kind of music    
720 jewelry gold, silver, stones etc. you wear for decoration, e.g. necklace    
721 keyboard the part of computer that you type on     
722 kit a box of tools or equipment    
723 ladder something you use to climb up high    
724 landlord the person who owns the place you rent    
725 laundry dirty clothes that need washing    
726 leisure something for fun or relaxing    
727 likewise in the same way    
728 lounge a place to relax    
729 maximize to make use of as much as possible    
730 meantime the time between two events    
731 merchant a person who sells things for a living    
732 merit to deserve praise    
733 mineral a type of substance found in nature    
734 minimize to make less important or smaller    
735 monument something built to honor someone    
736 necessity something which you need    
737 nutrition the study of food and health    
738 omit to leave out or not say     
739 ongoing still happening     
740 opt to make a choice     
741 optimistic being positive about the future    
742 orchestra many musicians with different instruments playing one musical piece  
743 outfit a set of clothes like a uniform    
744 outlet a store that sells things at a discount    
745 outlook a view point    
746 overhead the fixed cost of a business, e.g. rent    
747 overnight from one day to the next    
748 oversee to supervise    
749 packet a small carton or package    
750 parade walk or march    
751 patent the right to be the only one who is allowed to make a thing    
752 patience to accept suffering without getting angry    
753 patron someone who gives support with time, money or effort    
754 petition a demand for a particular action, usually signed by a lot of people     
755 physician A doctor of medicine    
756 physics the science of how things  like heat and light work    
757 pill medicine in the form of a capsule that you swallow     
758 pillow soft cushion to rest your head on when you go to bed    
759 portfolio a collection of investments that someone owns    
760 poster a large printed picture or notice to stick on a wall    
761 postpone put off until a later time    
762 preliminary The first action that comes before a more important one    
763 premium an extra payment added to the cost    
764 prescribe to formally tell someone what to do    
765 prescription doctor's written order for medicine    
766 prestigious very important and well thought of    
767 publicity the  advertising message to let people know about a product or event  
768 questionnaire a set of questions to find out what people think about something    
769 rack a stand or shelf to put things on    
770 receipt proof of payment    
771 recipient the person who receives something      
772 recreation leisure    
773 recreational what you do for relaxation in your free time    
774 recur happens again    
775 recycle to find another use for something that is going to be put in the trash  
776 refinery a factory where raw materials are taken to be made pure    
777 refresh to put new life or energy into    
778 refreshment a small amount of food and drink served as a light meal      
779 rehearsal a practice session in preparation for a public performance    
780 rehearse practise so that you get better at doing it    
781 retrieve to go and get something back    
782 rubber the stretchy material that elastic bands are made of    
783 rug a small loose floor covering    
784 satisfactory acceptable    
785 scholarship an amount of money given to an able student to help pay for their studies  
786 seldom not very often    
787 seminar a discussion session or class led by a teacher, or expert     
788 signature your name written in your own handwriting      
789 sincerely with honesty    
790 sketch a simple, quickly made drawing    
791 sleeve the part of a garment that covers some, or all, of the arm    
792 slot a narrow opening    
793 soap a block of material used for washing or cleaning    
794 soar fly quickly up into the air    
795 soccer ball game played by two teams who try to score goals without handling the ball   
796 solar to do with the sun, like sunlight or the heat from the sun    
797 spouse the person you are married to    
798 stack a pile of things placed one on top of the other    
799 stadium sports ground surrounded by rows of seats where people go to watch events  
800 statue a work of art, usually a model of a person or animal, made from hard material  
801 steer guide the direction of    
802 stimulus the reason or prompt that causes something to happen    
803 stripe a line or band of a different color    
804 subscribe to pay money to receive a service or product regularly    
805 subscriber someone who pays money to receive a service or product regularly    
806 subscription the amount of money that you pay to receive a service or product regularly  
807 suite a set of connecting rooms, usually in a hotel    
808 superb very good    
809 tag a label    
810 telecommunication exchanging audio, visual or digital information at a distance, electronically  
811 tenant someone who pays rent for the use of property like land or rooms    
812 terminal the place where a transport line ends, like the final train station on the line  
813 terminate bring to an end    
814 termination the  end of something    
815 theft the taking and keeping of something that does not belong to you    
816 tile a thin slab of material, often made of clay, used for covering roofs and floors  
817 tropical hot and humid like the climate near the equator    
818 turnover the amount of money that a business makes in an amount of time    
819 upgrade to improve what was old or outdated    
820 validate to confirm that something is acceptable    
821 vendor the person who is selling something    
822 venue the place that an event is happening    
823 verbal spoken    
824 verify confirm the truth of    
825 vitamin a natural substance found in food and drink that your body needs to be healthy  
826 waiter a man whose job it is to bring meals to your table in a restaurant or cafe  
827 waitress a woman whose job it is to bring meals to your the table in a restaurant or cafe   
828 ward an electoral district, a small area within which the people can all vote for the same thing  
829 warehouse a building where a large number of things are stored while they are waiting to be sold  
830 whale a large mamal that lives in the sea    
831 accessory partner in crime    
832 aisle long narrow area for walking between rows of something    
833 allergy condition that means you get ill if you come into contact with a particular material  
834 ample more than enough of    
835 appendix an extra bit of information at the end of a book or document    
836 appliance a machine or device that does a particular task    
837 apprentice someone who is learning a trade by working with an expert    
838 arc a curved line, like part of a circle    
839 automate To make a process that does a task over and over again by machine    
840 badge a small piece of material with your name and details on that you wear to show who you are  
841 balcony a small floor area with a wall or fence round it that is joined to the outside of a building  
842 basketball a game played by two teams who try to score goals by throwing the ball  
843 brochure a small paper book that gives information about a product or service  
844 bulletin a short news report    
845 candy a very sweet food, made from sugar and other things, that is good to eat  
846 charitable giving free money or help of some kind to someone who needs it    
847 circus a showy or noisy performance    
848 clap hitting your hands together to make a noise to show you enjoyed something  
849 comb make smooth by getting the knots out of    
850 compartment a part of a closed area that has been separated from a bigger one    
851 compliment saying something nice about someone    
852 complimentary it does not cost anything, it is free    
853 congestion a blockage; something that blocks it up    
854 consecutive following one after the other     
855 cosmetic makes something look better without changing it too much    
856 crane a machine used to move and lift heavy things    
857 cushion a pad to make something more comfortable    
858 delete remove     
859 dentist a person who looks after your teeth for a living    
860 dessert sweet food you eat after your main meal    
861 diagnostic how you solve problems by working out what is wrong     
862 discrepancy an unexpected difference between two things that needs to be explained  
863 dissatisfy to make someone not pleased with what you have done    
864 drastically very seriously    
865 drought a period of time when there is very little rainfall    
866 duplicate make an exact copy    
867 durable very long lasting    
868 earthquake when the ground shakes due to the natural movement of rocks underground  
869 embed to push something deep inside something else    
870 erase to remove or delete    
871 expiration the end of a period of time    
872 expire Come to an end     
873 factual based on true information    
874 farewell goodbye    
875 fasten fix together firmly    
876 fatigue what you feel when you are very, very tired    
877 fixture a piece of equipment, like a bath, that is permanently fixed to a building   
878 flu illness that you catch from other people, that gives you a fever for a few days  
879 fluctuate comes and goes stronger and weaker    
880 fountain a man-made spray of water that shoots upwards    
881 freight goods that are transported from one place to another    
882 freighter a large ship that is used to transport goods    
883 garment something made of material that you can wear, like pants or a dress  
884 generator a machine that makes electricity    
885 gram a small measurement of weight    
886 gum stubstance that can be used to stick things together     
887 gym building with equipment you can use to exercise your body    
888 gymnasium building with equipment you can use to exercise your body    
889 hacker someone who gains access to a computer system without permission  
890 hamburger a flat round cake of minced beef that is fried and then eaten in a bread roll  
891 hike walk a long way    
892 hiker someone who likes to go for long walks in their leisure time    
893 imperative very important and urgent    
894 incur lay yourself open to something as a result of your actions    
895 intersection where two paths cross each other    
896 inventory detailed list of everything included    
897 jog a gentle run    
898 journalism the reporting of news    
899 junk useless item; trash    
900 logo a small design used by a company as its symbol    
901 mall very large building containing lots of stores and restaurants    
902 mandatory something that has to be done     
903 massage rub the body in a special way that makes it feel better    
904 medication a substance used to make an illness or condition get better    
905 memo a written reminder to do somethng    
906 messenger person who carries a piece of information to someone else      
907 microphone device used by singers and public speakers to make their voice louder  
908 microscope a device that makes very small things look bigger so you can study them closer  
909 modem a device that lets you send information from one computer to another  
910 morale the confidence in how a group of people all feel, usually at a difficult time   
911 mosquito a small winged insect that bites    
912 noon the middle of the day      
913 notify officially tell someone some information    
914 oval A shape that looks like an egg    
915 overview a general summary of a subject    
916 parcel something wrapped in paper so that it can be sent, or delivered somewhere  
917 passport official document containing information about you, that allows you to enter other countries
918 pasta shaped and dried dough, made from flour and water, often used in Italian cooking  
919 pastry a food made of flour, fat and water and baked with other food inside it  
920 pedestrian a person who is walking on the street    
921 pharmaceutical relating to the preparation and making of medicine    
922 picnic a packed meal to take with you and eaten in the open air    
923 pizza a round piece of baked dough, covered with tomato, cheese and other ingredients  
924 plausible it sounds like it could be true    
925 plow to force your way through something    
926 plumber someone connects and mends water pipes for a living    
927 portable something that is small and easy to carry    
928 publicize make known generally    
929 purse a small bag women use to carry personal items    
930 query question, inquire    
931 referee the person who oversees something to make sure that the rules are followed  
932 remainder what is left over     
933 renovate restore to a previous or better condition    
934 renovation the process of being restored to a previous or better condition    
935 renown the state of being well known    
936 reunion when people get together to meet up after not meeting for a long time  
937 salon a store where you can get a particular service, like getting your hair styled  
938 scarf a long, narrow piece of material you wear round your neck to keep you warm  
939 serial ongoing, happening more than once in a particular order    
940 shuttle travel back and forth between two points      
941 signify shows a sign that it has an important meaning    
942 skate glide over the surface as if you are sliding on ice    
943 snack Small amount of food eaten between meals    
944 sofa a long soft seat with a back, big enough for at least two people to sit on  
945 spa a place you can go to relax and  improve your health, or how you look  
946 spectator a person who watches something happening    
947 spite the desire to direct bad feeling towards someone    
948 stereo a device that plays sound through two or more speakers    
949 submission the act of formally delivering a document, for a decision to be made about it  
950 surf move from one website to another on the internet    
951 sweater a warm item of clothing worn over the arms and upper body, made of wool,   
952 tablet a small flat solid cake of some substance    
953 tailor adjust something to fit a specific need or market    
954 technician someone who is trained with special skills to do practical work    
955 teen someone aged between the ages of thirteen and nineteen    
956 terrific very great or wonderful    
957 tidy put things in their correct place    
958 toll a small cost or fee you pay to use a service    
959 tow pull something along    
960 transit on the move from one place to another    
961 umbrella something, like an organization, that covers a  similar range of things   
962 underline to call attention to      
963 usage the usual or customary way in which something is used    
964 vacant empty    
965 vacation a holiday or break from work    
966 vacuum a completely empty space    
967 vase a jug or urn to put cut flowers in, to make a room look pretty     
968 vegetarian someone who does not eat meat or fish    
969 violin small wooden instrument with four strings for making music     
970 visa travel permit that allows you to enter a particular country for a period of time  
971 voucher a piece of paper that you can use to buy goods or to get them at a reduced price  
972 wallet a small case that can fit in a pocket, used by men to hold money  and credit cards  
973 wireless a means of communication that uses radio waves instead of wires    
974 worthwhile useful; there is some value to it    
975 wrinkle a crease or fold    
976 zoo a park where many different types of live animals are kept     
977 abide put up with    
978 acclaim approval and great praise    
979 amenity Something, like a swimming pool in a town, that makes life more comfortable and enjoyable.
980 audition a try out done by a performer to test whether they have the skills to do the job  
981 banquet a formal meal given for a lot of people    
982 barbecue meal that has been cooked on a grill, outdoors    
983 beforehand earlier in time    
984 blueprint a drawing or plan to show what the finished thing will look like    
985 booth an enclosed space like a cubicle, stall or stand    
986 briefcase a small case with a handle usually used for carrying business papers    
987 browse look or leaf through casually, like looking through a book without really reading it  
988 buffet a meal consisting of a number of different dishes from which people serve themselves  
989 carpenter a person makes and mends things made of wood for a liviing    
990 cartridge a piece of the equipment that is a sealed unit, and that can be taken out and replaced   
991 closet a small cupboard    
992 contraction a tightening or squeezing movement    
993 coupon a piece of paper that you can use to buy goods or to get them at a reduced price  
994 cumulative gets bigger by more and more being added to it    
995 demolish knock down; completely destroy    
996 dental relating to teeth    
997 diploma a document certifying the successful completion of a course of study    
998 disconnect cut off or detach    
999 drawback the downside of something    
1000 euro a unit of money used in a number of European countries    
1001 excursion a journey taken for pleasure    
1002 firefighter someone whose job it is to put out fires or save people from dangerous situations  
1003 firework a small stick-like object that, when lit with a flame, goes off with a bang and flashes of colored light 
1004 fluent able to speak a language easily and with confidence     
1005 folder a file or covering to keep papers in    
1006 freelance working for yourself, not for an employer      
1007 garbage trash; something that is worthless    
1008 handbook a book that gives intructions on how to do something    
1009 hesitant hold back from acting because you are uncertain or undecided    
1010 hospitality welcoming, friendly behavior  you show to visitors or guests    
1011 humidity how much dampness their is in the air    
1012 hygiene how you keep yourself and your surroundings clean and so that you stay healthy  
1013 inclusive includes everything    
1014 induction the act of being introduced into    
1015 informative tells you a lot of useful facts about somethiing    
1016 intern a stuent or trainee who is doing a job, often without pay, to get work experience  
1017 internship a position or placement for someone to learn a job through work, sometimes without pay  
1018 kilogram a unit of weight; one kilogram is about the same weight as 2.2 pounds  
1019 liter a unit  of measurement for liquids    
1020 locker a small cupboard  you can store personal items in securely for a period of time  
1021 luggage Bags and cases that you carry your clothes in when you go on a journey  
1022 memorandum A written note or message to remind you or someone else to do something  
1023 mentor personal advisor or teacher    
1024 merchandise goods for sale    
1025 mini smaller than is usual for a particular type of thing    
1026 nap a short sleep, often taken during the daytime    
1027 necklace a piece of jewelery, or decoration, worn around the neck    
1028 overcrowd too many people in too small a space    
1029 pamphlet a small paper leaflet or booklet  that tells you about a single subject    
1030 pant take short sharp breaths through your mouth, noisily    
1031 payroll the total amount of money paid in wages    
1032 pharmacist a person whose job it is to prepare medicines    
1033 pharmacy a store where medicines are prepared and sold    
1034 preview a chance to see something before it becomes generally available    
1035 reflexive referring back to itself      
1036 refund give back money that has already been paid    
1037 refundable money that can be returned if you change your mind about a purchase  
1038 reimburse give back the money for an expense that has been paid out    
1039 reimbursement the money that is given to cover the cost of an expense that has been paid out  
1040 sewer  the pipes that carry water and waste away from toilets    
1041 skim to move quickly above the surface without touching it    
1042 spreadsheet a computer program worksheet or table that you enter information onto  
1043 staple short thin piece of wire  that is punched through sheets of paper to fasten them together  
1044 streamline make smoother and more efficient    
1045 trash garbage or waste; something worthless    
1046 tuition the sum of money charged for teaching by a college or university    
1047 tuna a type of fish that lives in the sea, and is good to eat    
1048 underway happening now    
1049 vacancy job or position that needs to be filled    
1050 waive to give up or do without    
1051 warranty the promise to repair or replace a product if it ceases to work properly  
1052 yen the basic unit of money in Japan     
1053 auditorium the area of a theater or concert hall where the audience sits      
1054 beverage any liquid suitable for drinking    
1055 broom a brush with a long handle used for sweeping the dirt from the floor  
1056 carton a box made of cardboard or plastic in which things like milk and juice are sold  
1057 consignment a shipment of goods for  delivery    
1058 culinary relating to cooking      
1059 customize make or change something to suit the customer's  particular needs    
1060 discontinue stop doing it    
1061 extinguisher Device used to put out fires    
1062 foreman Senior worker who controls other workers    
1063 habitual regular, what you always do    
1064 intonation the rise and fall of the voice when speaking    
1065 invoice a written request for payment for the goods and services listed    
1066 luncheon a formal meal eaten in the middle of the day    
1067 misplace forget where you have put it    
1068 needy people who are poor and do not have enough to live on    
1069 overdue past the date you should do something; late    
1070 password a secret word or phrase needed to prove who you are    
1071 penalize to punish someone    
1072 personalize change something so that it is tailored to a particular person's needs  
1073 photocopier a machine that makes exact copies of documents    
1074 photocopy an exact copy of a document made with a photographic machine    
1075 proficiency skill and experience    
1076 rebate an amount of money given back to you as part of the deal when you buy goods or services  
1077 redesign change or improve the plan of how a thing is made    
1078 subtract take away from    
1079 subway a tunnel under the road for people to walk through    
1080 teller person who works in a bank, who pays out and takes in money    
1081 vanilla a flavoring used in ice cream and other sweet foods to make them taste good  
1082 anew starting over again, a fresh start    
1083 apprehensive uneasy, worried    
1084 attire clothing    
1085 automotive of or relating to motor vehicles    
1086 cafeteria a restaurant where you serve yourself and pay a cashier      
1087 cashier the person whose job it is to take the money you pay for goods or services  
1088 cookie a small, flat, round, dry, sweet cake-like snack     
1089 courier Person paid to carry and deliver documents    
1090 debit a record of an amount of money taken out of an account    
1091 donut small, fried, very sweet piece of dough covered in sugar and good to eat  
1092 gasoline fuel used in most motor vehicles    
1093 hotline telephone line that gives direct, fast access    
1094 itinerary a detailed plan of what will happen on a journey    
1095 outdated to be older than    
1096 paraphrase saying it again but putting the same meaning into different words    
1097 projector an optical instrument that projects an enlarged image onto a screen    
1098 remodel change or alter nearly everything to make it look different    
1099 restatement a statement that has been reworded    
1100 stationery any materials needed for writing and printing    
1101 stockbroker an agent whose job it is to buy and sell stocks and bonds      
1102 upcoming happening soon    
1103 vacate leave empty; move out of    
1104 yoga a system of exercise to give control over your mind and body    
1105 considerate showing concern for the rights and feelings of others    
1106 malfunction a breakdown or failure in the system    
1107 sauna a Finnish steam bath; steam is produced by pouring water over heated rocks    
1108 volleyball a ballgame for two teams who try to hit a large ball backwards and forwards across a central net
1109 brainstorm a group discussion to come up with a lot of ideas very quickly    
1110 condominium a building that has lots of apartments in it, all owned and lived in by different people  
1111 deluxe rich and superior in quality    
1112 escalator a moving stairway    
1113 expedite speed up the progress of    
1114 hereby a formal way of saying 'as a result of this'    
1115 punctual arriving on time    
1116 sedan a type of car that has seats for four people    
1117 semester one of two divisions of the school year      
1118 spam unwanted e-mail, usually of a commercial nature sent out in bulk     
1119 vend To offer something for sale or to sell something    
1120 cellphone phone that connects to the system by radio so that you can use it anywhere  
1121 overpay to hand over too much money      
1122 realtor a person who sells, rents out or manages property for a living    
1123 toiletry articles used for washing and taking care of your body    
1124 concierge the person in a hotel whose job it is to arrange things for the guests    
1125 overcharge to ask for too much money for goods or service    
1126 outage a failure in the power system so that there is no electricity available  
1127 paralegal someone who works in a law company but who has not trained as a lawyer  
1128 purser an officer aboard a ship who keeps accounts and attends to the passengers' needs    
1129 login to enter a computer website account    
1130 flextime there is a choice about when to start and finish working a set number of hours  
1131 sue To take legal action against someone    
1132 airfare the amount of money charged for traveling by airplane      
1133 airplane a powered vehicle that flys through the air to its destination    
1134 airport the place where you go to get on a plane    
1135 backpack a bag with shoulder straps worn on the back    
1136 ballroom large room used mainly for dancing      
1137 bathroom a room where there is a bath and/or a shower    
1138 birthday the day in the year on which a person was born      
1139 boardroom a room where the board of directors of a company hold meetings      
1140 bookcase a piece of furniture with shelves for storing books      
1141 bookstore A place where you go to buy books    
1142 businessman a man who works in commercial or industrial business, especially an owner or executive    
1143 businessperson a person who works in commercial or industrial business, especially an owner or executive    
1144 checkout the latest time that you must vacate a hotel room    
1145 cheeseburger a hamburger with melted cheese on it      
1146 classmate Someone studying in your class with you    
1147 cookbook a book that gives directions  on how to prepare and cook food    
1148 countryside land outside of cities and towns, that does not have buildings on it    
1149 daytime The time between when the sun rises and when it  goes down; not nightime  
1150 desktop the working area of a computer screen when no programs are open    
1151 dishwasher a machine that cleans dirty dishes    
1152 doorman Someone whose job it is to stand at entrance to a hotel to let people go in and out  
1153 download transfer a file or program onto your computer    
1154 downsize reduce in size or number    
1155 downstairs on a lower floor of a building    
1156 downtown the business or central part of a city or town    
1157 downturn a drop in the success of a business or the economy    
1158 feedback information given to the provider about how good or bad the goods or services were  
1159 footwear something you wear on your feet, such as shoes or boots    
1160 fundraise to get money from people for a partular project    
1161 getaway escape or leave very quickly    
1162 hallway a passage or corridor that other rooms open out of     
1163 hardworking always puts a lot of effort into the task or job    
1164 headache pain in the head     
1165 headphone a set of small speakers that fit into each ear so that only you can hear the sound  
1166 healthcare the business of providing medical services to a community or individuals  
1167 homemade not bought from a store; made at home    
1168 homeowner someone who owns the house that they live in     
1169 homework the work a teacher gives to students to be done outside of school     
1170 housekeeper someone whose job it is to take care of and clean another person's house  
1171 incoming just arriving    
1172 laptop a computer small enough to carry and to use in your lap      
1173 layoff the act of ending a worker's job because there is not enough work, or not enough money to pay for it
1174 layout the plan of how it is set out    
1175 letterhead the printing at the top of a letter that tells you the name and details of the company sending it
1176 lifeguard the person whose job it is to keep people safe at the beach or at  pool  
1177 lifestyle the way that you live; the things that you usually do    
1178 lifetime The time between when a person is born and when they die    
1179 lunchtime The usual time for eating the midday meal    
1180 midnight 12 o'clock at night    
1181 motorcycle a motor vehicle with two wheels and a strong frame      
1182 newsletter report or open letter giving information of interest to a special group    
1183 newsstand a small structure where newspapers and magazines are sold      
1184 outstanding not yet completed    
1185 overtime work done in addition to regular working hours      
1186 paperback a book that has a cover made of paper    
1187 paperwork the written work to do with any particular job    
1188 paycheck the piece of paper that tells a worker how much they have earned     
1189 popcorn grains of maize that have been heated up until they explode; good to eat as a snack  
1190 postcard a card for sending messages by post without an envelope      
1191 proofread read for errors    
1192 railway transport system of tracks ,stations and trains    
1193 raincoat a water-resistant coat      
1194 rainfall Water that falls from the clouds in the sky, in little drops    
1195 restroom room in a building which contains one or more toilets for public use  
1196 salesman a man whose job it is to get people to buy things from his company     
1197 salespeople men and women whose job it is get people to buy things from their company   
1198 salesperson a man or woman whose job it is get people to buy things from their company  
1199 seafood things you can eat as food that live in the sea    
1200 seaside a place right by the ocean where people can go to relax and have fun  
1201 showroom an area where goods for sale are set out so people can look at them    
1202 sidewalk the area that runs alonside a road for people to walk on    
1203 sightsee go to visit places of interest    
1204 skateboard a flat board with small wheels on the bottom that you move by pushing on the ground with one foot
1205 someday At some unspecified time in the future    
1206 spokesperson one man or woman who speaks officially for the rest of the group    
1207 stockholder someone who holds shares of stock in a corporation      
1208 storeroom a room where things can be kept when they are not being used    
1209 suitcase A large bag like container for carrying clothes when traveling    
1210 sunscreen a cream spread on the skin that protects your skin from the sun    
1211 supermarket a large self-service store selling food and household items    
1212 takeover the buying out of one company by another    
1213 textbook a book of facts to be used for the study of a particular subject    
1214 thunderstorm an extreme weather condition with rain, wind, thunder and lightening  
1215 timeline a series of related events arranged in the order they happen, and displayed in a row   
1216 timetable  a list of events and when they are going to happen    
1217 trademark the trade or brand name    
1218 underground below the surface    
1219 upstairs on a higher level of the building    
1220 videoconference meeting carried out over the internet    
1221 walkway a connecting passage or path for pedestrians to move along    
1222 webpage information shown on the screen of an internet website about a particular subject  
1223 website a set of internet pages that give information about a particular person or organization  
1224 weekday All the working days in a week, usually Monday to Friday    
1225 wheelchair a seat, that has wheels, that allows a person who cannot walk to move about  
1226 wildlife animals and plants that live in the natural world    
1227 workbook a file containing information about a particular subject, and relatated problems to be solved by the student
1228 workforce all the people that a company employs    
1229 workplace the location where you do your job    
1230 workshop a building or room where things are made or repaired    
1231 worldwide Spanning or reaching across the whole earth    
1232 wristwatch a small device for telling the time that you wear on your lower arm    
1233 pole a long, thin stick or post    
1234 coworker a person that works with you in the same workplace    
1235 headquarter the main office of an organization    
1236 wellness State of being healthy; not ill    
1237 sharply harshly    
1238 manual a book that explains how to do something    
1239 advancement gradual move forward    
1240 ma'am short for 'madam', a polite way to address a woman    
1241 appetizer small amount of food eaten before the main meal    
1242 checkup a test to see that all is as it should be    
1243 healthful helping to keep well in body and mind    
1244 housekeep take care of all business related to a household    
1245 o'clock the hour of the day    
1246 renter someone who pays money to have the use of something for a period of time  
1247 stapler a small device used to fix papers together with a small thin piece of wire called a staple  
1248 bound wrap around with something, so as to cover or enclose      
1249 distractor an incorrect option offered in a multiple choice question     
1250 ice cream Frozen food made of cream, very sweet and good to eat    
1251 repairperson Person whose job it is to fixe things when they are broken    
1252 unauthorized without official permission    
1253 misidentify to mistakenly recognise something; to think that it is something else  
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