“300 Basic English Sentences” แสดงประโยคที่ใช้ what, who, which, why, where, และ How
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แสดงประโยคที่ใช้ what, who, which, why, where, และ How
โดยแบ่งเป็น 13 กลุ่ม ดังนี้
1. This is, That is, These are, Those are,
2. The verb to be
3. The verb to have
4. There is, There are;
5. Verb
6. The verb to get:
7. To, ing as object
8. Command sentence: Open the door, Let’s go
9. The small Verb: can, may, must ...
10. Comparing sentence: He is younger than I
11. The stress sentence: It’s
12. The conditional sentence and virtual sentence: if... , wish
13. Short phase and sub-sentence